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When praying alone, do I recite loudly like an imam (Takbeers, salam etc)?


When praying alone, do I recite loudly like an imam (Takbeers, salam etc)? - Assim al hakeem.

What is Libas ul shuhra? (clothing of fame i.e to show off or as a status symbol)


What is Libas ul shuhra? (clothing of fame i.e to show off or as a status symbol) - Assim al hakeem.

Giving money to professional beggars (Muslims or Non Muslims)


Giving money to professional beggars (Muslims or Non Muslims) - Assim al hakee.

Oaths and Pledges


There are 3 kinds of oaths: Idle oaths which are not accountable, confirmed ones which are accountable, and false oaths which are cardinal sins and cannot be atoned for.



A Nadhr is a pledge to do something for God’s sake, a Muslim is encouraged to do good deeds without making pledges, but if he makes a Nadhr he must fulfil his commitment.

Oaths and Pledges


There are 3 kinds of oaths: Idle oaths which are not accountable, confirmed ones which are accountable, and false oaths which are cardinal sins and cannot be atoned for.

If we have to pay with interest charge


If we have to pay with interest charge.

​will i be rewarded for studying Quran in English​


will i be rewarded for studying Quran in English.

He missed zuhr prayer because he was tired


He missed zuhr prayer because he was tired.

Benefits in social security while working and married


benefits in social security while working and married Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem.

can i make dua against my father


can i make dua against my father - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem.

Is it permissible to pay money to get a (government) job (Bribe)


Is it permissible to pay money to get a (government) job (Bribe) - Assim al hakeem.

Can a wife deny her husband intimacy if he isn't providing for her financially?


Can a wife deny her husband intimacy if he isn't providing for her financially? - Assim al hakeem.

Is there any significance of Prayer Mat, Is it Sacred? Will Satan pray on it if we don't fold.


Is there any significance of Prayer Mat, Is it Sacred? Will Satan pray on it if we don't fold.

Ruling on writing haram things during exams


Ruling on writing haram things during exams - Assim al hakeem.

When to say Sami Allah huliman hamida'


When to say Sami Allah huliman hamida' When you rise up from ruku or while rising up Assim al hakeem.

Ruling on giving tips, when is it considered a bribe & when is it ok?


Ruling on giving tips, when is it considered a bribe & when is it ok? - Assim al hakeem.

Are we admitted into Paradise due to our good deeds alone?


Are we admitted into Paradise due to our good deeds alone? - Assim al hakeem.

Ruling on getting a head massage from a hairdresser of the same gender


Ruling on getting a head massage from a hairdresser of the same gender - Assim al hakeem.

How to lower gaze when you have to talk to non mahram women like doctor, teacher, receptionist


How to lower gaze when you have to talk to non mahram women like doctor, teacher, receptionist.
