content of level
If I exceed the number of times of washing limbs in wudu, is my wudu valid?
If I exceed the number of times of washing limbs in wudu, is my wudu valid? - Assim al hakeem.
Is it permissible to hit the face (slap) in Islam?
Is it permissible to hit the face (slap) in Islam? What about in Jihad? - Assim al-hakeem.
Took an interest based loan before accepting Islam
Took an interest based loan before accepting Islam.
Are wedding customs permissible in Islam
Are wedding customs permissible in Islam.
Is saying Ma sha Allah in a mocking way kufr?
Is saying Ma sha Allah in a mocking way kufr? - Assim al hakeem.
Why did Allah send Messengers & why to those specific regions?
Why did Allah send Messengers & why to those specific regions? - Assim al hakeem.
Jinayah means offence and it refers to a crime committed against a person, or property or honor.
Offences causing physical injury
A qisas punishment is enforced in case of offences causing physical injury based on the Qur’an, the Sunnah and unanimity of scholars. Such Offences are of three categories.
Accidental killing
Accidental killing does not incur a punishment in the hereafter, while the ruling in this life is that indemnity is payable by the offender and his relatives in of 3 years.
Deliberate killing, or murder
Deliberate killing is a major sin, if the killer is a sane adult fulfilling 3 murder conditions he should be subjected to retribution of death as Qisas unless the victim's family forgives or accepts indemnity.
An offence against life
Committing a murder or killing someone without a lawful cause is strictly forbidden in Islam as stated in Quran. Killing is categorized into three types; deliberate, semi-deliberate and accidental.
Prayer in Polar Areas
Prayer in Polar Areas.
When the intention should be formed
When the intention should be formed.
Confirmation of the start of Ramadan
Confirmation of the start of Ramadan.
Usury Definition and Ruling
Usury Definition and Ruling.
Mandatory Punishments.
Mandatory Punishments.
Wiping over the khuff
Wiping over the khuff.
Conditions for wiping over the khuffs
Conditions for wiping over the khuffs.
Conditions making wiping over the khuffs invalid
Conditions making wiping over the khuffs invalid