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God’s determination of destiny: His will and cause and effect.


God has assigned their lot to all creatures before they were created, and every creature was created by God’s determination that preceded its creation.

God’s legislation for religion and life: Both are the same.


The authority to legislate belongs to God alone: He makes what He wills permissible or forbidden, according to His knowledge and infinite wisdom. His legislation is to ensure that both religion and life are on the proper course.

The nature of religious truth: The relation between religious text and reason.


When revealed text and rational thinking are combined together, religious truth is fully understood. Revealed text is of no benefit to one who has no reason, and reason on its own is of no help to one who has no knowledge of revelation.

God’s words and the Qur’an


The Qur’an is God’s word: He truly said it in sounds, words and surahs. We do not say that ‘it is mere meaning without utterance’, but we say that God speaks whenever He wills: ‘God has spoken His word directly to Moses’. (4: 164).

God’s names and attributes: Their confirmation or negation.


God has beautiful names and fine attributes. No one knows Him better than He knows Himself. Therefore, we deny what He has denied of Himself and confirm what He has confirmed in His book and His messenger’s Sunnah.

The nature of faith: What is faith? – Faith may increase or decrease.


Taken together, words, action and belief constitute faith. Maghrib prayer consists of three rak[ahs and if one is not included, the prayer is not Maghrib. By the same token if any of the three elements: words, action and belief is lacking, the condition is not called faith.

Faith, disbelief and hypocrisy: Which property enjoys sanctity?


Belief and disbelief are cases that are determined by God alone. No one may be called an unbeliever without clear evidence from God.

The right owed to God by His servants: Unbelievers incur punishment in hell but this does not negate granting them benefits in this life.


It is God’s right to be the only one offered all types of worship. He says: ‘Your God is the One God: there is no deity but He, the Lord of Grace, the Ever Merciful’.

Interpretation of Islam: What is in God’s book may be interpreted only through the Sunnah, the understanding of the Prophet’s companions and analogy with these.


No one may interpret Islam and how God wants it to be except God Himself, in his book, the Qur’an, and in the Sunnah of the Prophet. No human being has a higher status than God’s Prophet, yet he only delivers what God reveals to him.

Islam is the religion of all prophets and the true and everlasting religion.


Islam is the only divine faith. God does not accept anything else from any one of His servants, be they human or jinn.

The 15th lecture


During our weekly sessions we will be covering the fundamentals of Islamic belief that every Muslim should know as held by the Sunni Muslim community.

The 14th lecture


During our weekly sessions we will be covering the fundamentals of Islamic belief that every Muslim should know as held by the Sunni Muslim community.

The13th lecture


During our weekly sessions we will be covering the fundamentals of Islamic belief that every Muslim should know as held by the Sunni Muslim community.

The 12th lecture


During our weekly sessions we will be covering the fundamentals of Islamic belief that every Muslim should know as held by the Sunni Muslim community.

The 11th lecture


During our weekly sessions we will be covering the fundamentals of Islamic belief that every Muslim should know as held by the Sunni Muslim community.

"The Simplified Encyclopaedia Of Contemporary Issues In Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh)"


"The Simplified Encyclopaedia Of Contemporary Issues In Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh)"

Can Muslims speak with the people of innovation?


Can Muslims speak with the people of innovation? - Assim al hakeem.

Can we pray at home if its raining heavily?


Can we pray at home if its raining heavily? - Assim al hakeem

Ruling on reciting Surah Yasin after Fajr


Any virtues of Surah Yasin? Reciting Surah Yasin after Fajr Surah Waqiya for poverty Assim al hakeem.

How to deal with parents who backbite eachother?


How to deal with parents who backbite eachother? - Assim al hakeem.
