content of level
Confirmation of the start of Ramadan
Ramadan is a lunar month so its start and end are confirmed by the sighting of the new moon. It requires two acceptable Muslims testifying to the fact, but if no one sees it; Muslims must complete the precedent month.
When the intention should be formed
What is more important than fasting is forming the intention. Muslims are obliged to form the intention and it must be formed before dawn. If the fasting is voluntary it is acceptable to form it during the day.
When the intention should be formed
When the intention should be formed.
Confirmation of the start of Ramadan
Confirmation of the start of Ramadan.
Does inhaling steam nullify your fast?
Does inhaling steam nullify your fast? - Assim al hakeem.
Can we raise our hands to make dua before iftar (before breaking the fast)?
Can we raise our hands to make dua before iftar (before breaking the fast)? - Assim al hakeem.
Fasting in Polar Areas
Ruling on Fasting in Polar Areas.
Can we have the intention to fast and to lose weight at the same time (Ramadan)?
Can we have the intention to fast and to lose weight at the same time (Ramadan)?
Can I give Fidya (unable to fast) at end of Ramadan or feed each day? What about feeding in advance?
Can I give Fidya (unable to fast) at end of Ramadan or feed each day? What about feeding in advance?
Invited to an Iftar Party, should the male guests go to the masjid or pray there?
Invited to an Iftar Party, should the male guests go to the masjid or pray there? - Assim al hakeem.
Are those who have Gastro or Diabetes exempted from fasting in Ramadan?
Are those who have Gastro or Diabetes exempted from fasting in Ramadan? - Assim al hakeem.
Best time to make dua in Ramadan and outside Ramadan
Best time to make dua in Ramadan and outside Ramadan - Assim al hakeem.
What is the minimum & maximum age a child should start fasting?
What is the minimum & maximum age a child should start fasting? - Assim al hakeem.
Siren for breaking fast, is it from sunnah? Break fast upon hearing Siren or at Maghrib time?
Siren for breaking fast, is it from sunnah? Break fast upon hearing Siren or at Maghrib time?
How to witness Laylatul Qadr?
How to witness Laylatul Qadr? - Assim al hakeem
When the intention should be formed
What is more important than fasting is forming the intention. Muslims are obliged to form the intention and it must be formed before dawn. If the fasting is voluntary it is acceptable to form it during the day.
Confirmation of the start of Ramadan
Ramadan is a lunar month so its start and end are confirmed by the sighting of the new moon. It requires two acceptable Muslims testifying to the fact, but if no one sees it; Muslims must complete the precedent month.
conditions must apply for the duty of fasting to be valid
conditions must apply for the duty of fasting to be valid.
The spiritual concept of fasting
Fasting is a means of expressing one’s gratitude for Allah’s blessings. It stops a person from eating, drinking and sex, which are some of Allah’s great blessings. To refrain from them for a considerable time is to show one’s appreciation of these blessings.
Can we combine the 6 days of shawwal with the missed fasts of Ramadan?
Can we combine the 6 days of shawwal with the missed fasts of Ramadan? - Assim al hakeem.