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The Dowry Paid by the Wife
This is a very bad tradition and an abominable deviation. It is contrary to the divine book, the Prophet’s tradition and the unanimous view of scholars. It is obligatory in Islam that the husband should pay his wife a dowry, or mahr. For various reasons, including men’s unwillingness to tie themselves to a marital relationship, women in Western countries may resort to this practice. The Islamic Fiqh Council of the Muslim World League and Majallat al-Buhuth al-Islamiyyah, (i.e. Journal of Islamic Research), have both discussed this issue.
Suspension of marriag
When a husband swears not to have sexual intercourse with his wife forever or for more than four months this is Ila’ and it is forbidden. If he doesn’t atone for his oath within this period the case must be put to a judge.
Types of divorce
There are two types of divorce; Sunnah divorce and Bid’ ah divorce which differ in the number and the time of divorce. This article shows the difference between them and which one God has made lawful in His book.
Formulae for divorce
Divorce formulae must be clear and with direct words. In case the husband uses ambiguous phrases; divorce will be subjected to his intentions. This article clarifies the reason behind this rule.
God has put rules and regulations for marriage dissolution (talaq) to safeguard wives and husbands rights when the relationship between them becomes very restrained and there is no way to save their marriage.
Nafaqah is to provide for whomever one supports, Islam states that a wife is entitled to full nafaqah by her husband but with certain conditions such as validity of marriage and fulfilling marital deities by the wife.
When custody is over
This article focuses on the decision to be taken when the term of custody of a child is over. An agreement should be reached with the approval of the child’s father or custodian, if not then the child is given the choice of either parent.
Child custody
Islamic law puts certain rulings of custody. A child is in the custody of parents, providing their marriage remains in force. If they are divorced, custody is given to either of them, who quality, but women are given priority.
I want to get married but can't afford it, what to do?
I want to get married but can't afford it, what to do? - Assim al hakeem.
Who is the Guardian / Wali of a girl born out of wedlock?
Who is the Guardian / Wali of a girl born out of wedlock? - Assim al hakeem.
Ruling on a person dying in the state of major sexual impurity (Janaba) - Assim al hakeem
Ruling on a person dying in the state of major sexual impurity (Janaba) - Assim al hakeem.
Woman was divorced because she didn't bleed on the wedding night
Woman was divorced because she didn't bleed on the wedding night, custom of white cloth on bed Assimalhakeem.
The marriage proposal
A marriage proposal is a statement made by a man making clear that he wishes to marry a woman with the knowledge of her guardian, Islam puts some rules for the engagement.
Essentials for marriage
There are essentials for marriage to take place in Islam such as having two spouses, commitment and acceptance, and of course, the commitment must precede the acceptance.
Marriage and Divorce
Nikah or marriage is encouraged in Islam, it is endorsed in the Qur’an, the Sunnah and the unanimity of scholars because it protects fabric of the family and the Islamic social structure.
Types of heirs according to their inheritance
Those who inherit assigned shares: There are seven types of these heirs: husband, wife, the two grandmothers, mother and her two sons.
When custody is over
When the term of custody is over, if the child’s father and custodian agree to the child staying with either of them, their agreement is endorsed. If they do not come to an agreement, then the child is given the choice.
Conditions of Child Custody
1. Being a Muslim.2. Being a sane adult.3. Integrity, honesty and chastity.4. Physical and financial ability to look after the child.5. The custodian must be a person of good common sense.
Child Custody
Definition: Child custody means, according to Islamic law, taking care of a child when it cannot look after itself, and to bring the child up, looking after it physically and mentally, protecting it against anything that could cause it harm.
Learn Fiqh with Al-Hakeem | Breastfeeding that affects marriage
In this Lecture, Sh. Assim Al-Hakeem discusses and explains the Breastfeeding that affects marriage. This course will cover all the practical rules that every Muslim, man or woman, should know, citing their bases in the Qur’an and the Sunnah.