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Basics (Part 3) Calling people to Allah (2) (Dawah)


Basics (Part 3) Calling people to Allah (2) (Dawah) - Assim al hakeem

Basics (Part 2) Calling people to Allah (Dawah)


Basics (Part 2) Calling people to Allah (Dawah) - Assim al hakeem

Basics (Part 1) Religion Of Fitrah - Assim al hakeem


Basics (Part 1) Religion Of Fitrah - Assim al hakeem

Strict parents create rebels, how to have balance so this doesn't happen?


Strict parents create rebels, how to have balance so this doesn't happen? #Assim assim al hakeem

Taking timings of different city for fasting because of extremely long day


Taking timings of different city for fasting because of extremely long day #Assim assim al hakeem

Is Insurance haram? (Car, Life, House..) Buying house on interest due to necessity


Is Insurance haram? (Car, Life, House..) Buying house on interest due to necessity assim al hakeem

Are women who do Itikaf in the masjid more rewarded than the women who stay home?


Are women who do Itikaf in the masjid more rewarded than the women who stay home? - Assim al hakeem

Remaining steadfast - Advice from sheikh


Remaining steadfast - Advice from sheikh - Assim al hakeem

Should I divide charity over last 10 nights of Ramadan or give it in one lump sum?


Should I divide charity over last 10 nights of Ramadan or give it in one lump sum? - Assim al hakeem

Are women who do Itikaf in the masjid more rewarded than the women who stay home?


Are women who do Itikaf in the masjid more rewarded than the women who stay home? - Assim al hakeem

My 12 year son wants to go alone to local masjid that does innovations, what to do?


My 12 year son wants to go alone to local masjid that does innovations, what to do? Assim al hakeem

Where does a woman do Itikaf? Can it be done at home or in a prayer hall (musallah)?


Where does a woman do Itikaf? Can it be done at home or in a prayer hall (musallah)? Assim al hakeem

What 2 do if we cannot pray in masjid during last 10 nights of Ramadan (Men & Women


What 2 do if we cannot pray in masjid during last 10 nights of Ramadan (Men & Women - Assim al hakeem

Words of Advice for Ramadan


Words of Advice for Ramadan - Assim al hakeem

Importance of laylatul qadr! Why is laylatul qadr so important?


Importance of laylatul qadr! Why is laylatul qadr so important? Assim al hakeem

Seek laylatul qadr on odd nights only? Listen to people they detected night of decree?


Seek laylatul qadr on odd nights only? Listen to people they detected night of decree? Assim al hakeem

Does seeing a dream indicate laylatul qadr?


Does seeing a dream indicate laylatul qadr? - Assim al hakeem

What are the rewards of the last ten nights of Ramadan?


What are the rewards of the last ten nights of Ramadan? - Assim al hakeem

How can sinners, negligent of Allah's Mercy benefit from last 10 nights of Ramadan?


How can sinners, negligent of Allah's Mercy benefit from last 10 nights of Ramadan? Assim al hakeem

The excellence of the last 10 nights of Ramadan


The excellence of the last 10 nights of Ramadan - Assim al hakeem
