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The Eid prayer (part 2 of 7)


It is recommended to offer the Eid prayer in an open space away from residential buildings.Apparently this he did in order to publicize this Islamic tradition. It is permissible to offer it in a large mosque when there is need for that, such as rain, strong winds or other severe weather conditions.

The Eid prayer (part 1 of 7)


The Eid prayer is a collective duty, which means that when some Muslims offer it, the rest are not accountable for their omission. If no one offers it, then all share in the sin. This is because it is one of the clearest manifestations of the Islamic identity of the community. Moreover, the Prophet (peace be upon him) always did it, as did his Companions after he had passed away.

Values to be observed by fasting people


1-Every Muslim must avoid telling lies, backbiting and cursing at all times, but this is even more strongly required in Ramadan.  2-Desisting from lewdness and foul language, as well as from answering those who use such language.  3-A Muslim must protect himself and his body against committing any sin at all times, but this is more emphasized in Ramadan.

The last 10 nights of Ramadan


Islam recommends Muslims to practise this Sunnah and stay in the mosque in the last 10 nights of Ramadan when they should devote more of their time to worship. The Prophet’s (peace be upon him) practice in these 10 nights was to devote all his time to worship, staying up every night, eager to be attending to his worship on the Night of Decree which falls in one of these 10 nights.



tikaf means committing oneself to something, but in Islamic contexts it refers to the staying in seclusion in a mosque, by a Muslim who knows what he is doing, for  the worship of Allah. 

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