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Fiqh Lecture 15 Impurities What are these How to clean Semester 1 Zad Academy


Fiqh Lecture 15 Impurities What are these How to clean Semester 1 Zad Academy #assim assim al hakeem

Is it sin to gift only one child? Must gifts be of same price What about necessities


Is it sin to gift only one child? Must gifts be of same price What about necessities - assim al hakeem

Clothes get tight in Ruku, Sujood etc What should a woman do about it


Clothes get tight in Ruku, Sujood etc What should a woman do about it #assimalhakeem assim al hakeem

Does eating raw garlic or onions break wudu?


Does eating raw garlic or onions break wudu? #assimalhakeem #assim assim al hakeem

Fiqh Lecture 14 Tayammum 2 Conditions How 2 do What breaks it Semester 1 Zad Academy


Fiqh Lecture 14 Tayammum 2 Conditions How 2 do What breaks it Semester 1 Zad Academy - assim al hakeem

Does evil eye occur from looking directly or even without the person / thing present


Does evil eye occur from looking directly or even without the person / thing present - assim al hakeem

Cupping breaks the fast of Ramadan


If a fasting person undergoes cupping, he invalidates his fasting



Itikaf means committing oneself to something, but in Islamic contexts it refers to the staying in seclusion in a mosque, by a Muslim who knows what he is doing, for  the worship of Allah.

​Every Muslim must avoid telling lies


Every Muslim must avoid telling lies, backbiting and cursing at all times, but this is even more strongly required in Ramadan.

​Desisting from lewdness and foul language


Desisting from lewdness and foul language, as well as from answering those who use such language.

Committing sins during Ramadan


A Muslim must protect himself and his body against committing any sin at all times, but this is more emphasized in Ramadan.

Intention is one of two essentials for the validity of fasting


Any fasting person who forms the intention of breaking or ending his fast before the time is due invalidates his fast, even though he might not eat or drink. Intention is one of two essentials for the validity of fasting. If it is broken, with the intention to end the fast, the fast is broken.

Intention is a Rukn of fasting


A person who fasts must intend to fast, for the intention is a Rukn of fasting.

Allah has exempted some people from fasting in Ramadan


Allah the most merciful has exempted some people from fasting in Ramadan. Some cases like; sick, old people, or travelers. And they have to make up for those days later and give compensation to the poor and needy.

The Night of Decree


The Night of Decree and I'tikaf in Ramadan is a recommended action, i.e. Sunnah, and it draws a person closer to Allah, who says in the Qur’an: ‘And We charged Abraham and Ishmael [saying], "Purify My House for those perform Tawaf and those who are staying [there] for worship and those who bow and prostrate [in prayer].’ (2:125).

​Fasting reminds us of Allah’s favours


Fasting reminds us of Allah’s favours, as He has given us good food and drink and allowed us sex with our spouses. When we refrain from these during the day, we better appreciate Allah’s blessings.

Valid Khutbah & Friday Prayer How many people to be present? No ayah was recited, is Khutbah valid


 Valid Khutbah & Friday Prayer How many people to be present? No ayah was recited, is Khutbah valid - assim al hakeem

How to deal with neighbors who torture their revert children? Report to the police🚔? assim al hakeem


How to deal with neighbors who torture their revert children? Report to the police🚔? assim al hakeem

Can I eat groceries left behind by a shoplifter friend? Ruling on using stolen items


Can I eat groceries left behind by a shoplifter friend? Ruling on using stolen items - assim al hakeem

Why am I harsh on OCD patients! Walked on dry urine with wet feet, wash whole area?


Why am I harsh on OCD patients! Walked on dry urine with wet feet, wash whole area? - assim al hakeem
