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Husband doesn't like my parents & speaks badly of them, what to do?


Husband doesn't like my parents & speaks badly of them, what to do? Must we keep ties with in laws?

Who should pay expenses of delivery, medical bills, husband or wife's family? Man taking dowry Assim


Who should pay expenses of delivery, medical bills, husband or wife's family? Man taking dowry Assim al Hakeem.

Hanging pictures in a specific room mean angels won't enter the whole house or only that room?


Hanging pictures in a specific room mean angels won't enter the whole house or only that room? Assim al Hakeem.

What is the best way to revise the Quran?


What is the best way to revise the Quran? - Assim al hakeem.

Can we raise our hands and make dua after Tahajjud Prayers?


Can we raise our hands and make dua after Tahajjud Prayers? - Assim al hakeem.

What is the best way to make Wudu?


What is the best way to make Wudu? - Shiekh Assim Al-Hakeem.

What about using river water for doing wudu?


What about using river water for doing wudu - Shiekh Assim Al-Hakeem.

Using the toilet and its manners


There is an etiquette that must be followed when using the toilet. Islam has described how one should take care of his personal hygiene.

Unbelievers’ utensils


The primary ruling is that these are permissible to use. However, if it is known that they are contaminated with impurity, then they may not be used until they have been washed.

Types of water


The water that ensures purification is called tahur, and it is defined as pure and purifying. It is every type of water that retains its original state as it is created, whether it falls from the sky, such as rainwater, snow, and hail, or comes up from the earth, such as the water of rivers, springs, wells, and seas

Ruling on ablution after eating cooked meat


Ruling on ablution after eating cooked meat - Shiekh Assim Al-Hakeem.

Purification and its Types


Muslims must be pure before praying or any other act of worship requiring purity. Purification means the removal of any physical discharge from private parts that require washing, water sprinkling, or wiping.

Is it permeable to start the obligatory prayer after a person who is performing alone prayer?


Is it permeable to start the obligatory prayer after a person who is performing alone prayer (maybe Obligatory prayer, Sunnah, or a Nafela)? - Shiekh Assim Al-Hakeem.

If the color, taste, smell of water changes naturally can we use that water for wudu?


If the color, taste, smell of water changes naturally can we use that water for wudu? Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem.

if I'm performing wudu and I forget how many times I've made. Does it affect my wudu.


if I'm performing wudu and I forget how many times I've made. Does it affect my wudu.? shiekh Assim Al-Hakeem.

How should the feet be washed in Wudhoo?


How should the feet be washed in Wudhoo? Shiekh Assim Al-Hakeem.

Containers, plates and utensils


It is permissible to all Muslims to use all types of utensils, containers and plate including those made from metal.

Mother wants to write a Will & distribute wealth to children against Allah's Law, is it valid?


Mother wants to write a Will & distribute wealth to children against Allah's Law, is it valid? Assim

Made a Vow to Allah and broke it, what to do?


Made a Vow to Allah and broke it, what to do? - Assim al hakeem.

Can we recite duas from the Quran in sujood?


Can we recite duas from the Quran in sujood? - Assim al hakeem.
