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Is it permissible to not cover the navel / knee in prayer?


Is it permissible to not cover the navel / knee in prayer? - Assim al hakeem.

I have evil whispers about kufr or shirk, does this impact my prayer?


I have evil whispers about kufr or shirk, does this impact my prayer? - Assim al hakeem.

Can I pray sitting down in the airport lounge?


Can I pray sitting down in the airport lounge? - Assim al hakeem.

My family is from Tablighi Jamah, Tips on how to give them dawah


My family is from Tablighi Jamah, Tips on how to give them dawah - Assim al hakeem.

Can we make dua for impossible things? (Transgression in Dua)


Can we make dua for impossible things? (Transgression in Dua) - Assim al hakeem.

How often must we meet or call in order to maintain ties of kinship?


How often must we meet or call in order to maintain ties of kinship? - Assim al hakeem.

Have constant whispers of Satan, doubt my Islam & repeat shahadah a lot, what to do?


Have constant whispers of Satan, doubt my Islam & repeat shahadah a lot, what to do? Assim al hakeem.

Can women visit non mahram who is sick, to gain rewards, while sitting with other women


Can women visit non mahram who is sick, to gain rewards, while sitting with other women - Assimalhakeem.

Where do our souls go when we sleep?


Where do our souls go when we sleep? - Assim al hakeem.

Have lost my enthusiasm & positivity towards Islam, how can I restore it back?


Have lost my enthusiasm & positivity towards Islam, how can I restore it back? - Assim al hakeem.

Is the hadith about Ghazwa Al Hind (Conquest Of India) authentic?


Is the hadith about Ghazwa Al Hind (Conquest Of India) authentic? - Assim al hakeem.

Can someone deprive his siblings from inheritance cuz he's the only one spending on the mother.


Can someone deprive his siblings from inheritance cuz he's the only one spending on the mother.

Is Whistling permissible in Islam?


Is Whistling permissible in Islam? - Assim al hakeem.

Ruling on taking vaccines, medicines or using gelatine that contain pork


Ruling on taking vaccines, medicines or using gelatine that contain pork - Assim al hakeem.

Can a person who is bedridden be excused from prayer if he / she cannot perform wudu


Can a person who is bedridden be excused from prayer if he / she cannot perform wudu Assim al Hakeem.

If a disbeliever calls the Adhan, is this considered as entering the fold of Islam?


If a disbeliever calls the Adhan, is this considered as entering the fold of Islam? Assim al hakeem

What to do with interest money?


What to do with interest money? - Assim al hakeem.

How can Allah question all the people who are trillions & more on day of judgement?


How can Allah question all the people who are trillions & more on day of judgement? Assim al Hakeem.

Why are the Prophet's ﷺ‎ Parents in hell?


Why are the Prophet's ﷺ‎ Parents in hell? - Assim al hakeem.

Ruling on calling "Oh servants of Allah (Jinns & Angels) help me".


Ruling on calling "Oh servants of Allah (Jinns & Angels) help me". Calling other than Allah is shirk.
