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Working as a Lawyer


It is permissible for a Muslim lawyer to work in non-Muslim countries in civil courts. As long as he believes that the case is legitimate and he aims to help those suffering injustice otherwise it is forbidden. 

Putting Disputes to non-Islamic Courts


Muslim disputes should be settled through Islamic law. In case of necessity in non-Muslim countries, they can put their disputes to civil courts but it is forbidden to take something that is not rightfully.  

Working in a Man-Made Judicial System


Muslim cannot be a judge under non-Islamic authorities unless he takes this position with intention of giving justice to Muslims and non-Muslims, provided that his own decision is in agreement with Islamic law.

Fasting in Polar Areas


In some areas the beginning and end of the fasting day cannot be determined or the day is too long or too short. Some scholars said that they could follow Mekkah or Madinah or the nearest cities with moderate timings. 

Prayer in Polar Areas


Questions are often asked about the timing of prayers in remote areas, where prayers’ time is blurred. In these areas prayer time is determined on the basis of analogy with clear prayers time at the nearest place. 

The Friday and Eid Sermon in Other Languages


In non- Muslim countries other languages might be used for Eid and Friday sermon. Some scholars prefer that the essentials should be in Arabic. Otherwise, it might be in Arabic then translated to other language. 

Offering Two Prayers Together Due to Study or Work Requirements or Time Overlap


Delaying a prayer beyond its time range or combining tow prayers is only accepted in situations of maximum difficulty. Although some scholars have permitted in case or work conditions and other situations.  

Renting a Place of Entertainment for Friday and Eid Prayers


Renting a place that have been used for gaming or dancing for Friday or Eid prayer is not accepted by all scholars. Some approve it in condition that the place is thoroughly cleaned. Others disapprove it completely.

Renting a Church for Friday and Eid Prayers


Muslims in Western countries are allowed to rent Churches for Friday or Eid prayers if no other place is available. But they have to make sure that statues are covered and the place is cleaned from any impurities.   

Multiple Congregations in the Same Mosque because of Limited Space


Muslims might offer their obligatory prayers in several congregations in the same mosque; whether due to limited space or latecomers. It is permitted by many scholars and supported by the Prophet’s hadith.

Holding Friday Prayer More than Once in the Same Mosque


Some scholars permit holding more than one Friday prayer congregation in the same mosque if there is no space to accommodate all worshippers. While others argue that there is no evidence for this in Islam history.

Rulings pertaining to the testimony


Islam has established rulings pertaining to testimony to insure achieving justice and eliminate the possibility of favoritism or oppression. Islam considers perjury as a cardinal sin. The article discusses this in detail.

Acceptable witnesses


There are certain conditions required in a witness: Islam, adulthood and sanity, speech, accuracy and good memory, probity. Testimony of people of earlier divine religions is acceptable in certain cases.

Testimonies and witnesses


Giving testimony pertaining to the rights of human beings is a collective duty, witnesses must not refuse when they are called in. it is an obligation if one is summoned to testify which confirms Islam's protection of rights.

Manners and values to be observed by judges


Certain values must be observed by judges. Anything that may blur the judge's fairness should be avoided whether anger, fear, etc. Rulings have to be based on the Quran, and Sunnah, unanimity, Ijtihad, or a fatwa by a qualified Mufti.

Conditions applicable to judges


Islam stipulates certain conditions in judges to assume their positions such as: Islam, sanity and adulthood, probity, sound constitution, Knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah, and a degree of scholarship to exercise Ijtihad.

Judging Disputes and Testimonies


The basis of the justice system is the Qura'n, Sunnah and unanimity of scholars. It is important to appoint judges to settle disputes which earn great reward from God because it supports rights and combats corruption.



Nafaqah is to provide for whomever one supports, Islam states that a wife is entitled to full nafaqah by her husband but with certain conditions such as validity of marriage and fulfilling marital deities by the wife.

When custody is over


This article focuses on the decision to be taken when the term of custody of a child is over. An agreement should be reached with the approval of the child’s father or custodian, if not then the child is given the choice of either parent.

Rulings applicable to custody


Islam has rulings fur custody, in the first place, the child’s mother takes custody, if not, then there is an order for those entitled to it. The child’s father is responsible for payment for the child’s custody.
