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On the way back


Whenever the Prophet came home from any expedition or pilgrimage or 'umrah, when he came to a narrow passage he used to declare that there is no deity than Allah and he has no partners. Read the full sentence below. 

If the stoning is delayed


If the stoning is delayed, the pilgrim should go for the 3 jamrahs to stone in order for 3 successive days in order to finish his pilgrimage duties and proceed to do Farwell Tawaf if he is not a Makkah resident.

How to conduct the pilgrimage


Pilgrimage has 3 different methods; the tamattu', the qiran and the ifrad. Before, the pilgrim should start his consecration, at the point of miqat and declares his intention according to the method he chose.



Compensation is an obligation on pilgrim if he violates any of pilgrimage restrictions. Compensation is due whether the violation was for a valid on invalid reason. It may be a sacrifice, donation or fasting.

Practices prohibited during consecration (i.e. ihram)


During consecration some Halal practices are prohibited, such as wearing perfumes, clipping hair or nails etc. If anything is done out of ignorance or forgetfulness it would be overlooked and one must revert.

Conditions for Pilgrimage


Pilgrimage is obligatory for every sane, adult, free, able (physically and financially) Muslim. It consists of 7 practices necessary to be done and 7 duties to complete the process and 9 recommended practices.

The Pilgrimage (i.e. hajj)


Pilgrimage is one of the five pillars upon which the structure of Islam is built on. Its steps are clearly mentioned in Quran and it must fulfill certain rites in particular places and times in order to be complete.

The transfer of zakat to a different town


Zakat is payable for the poor and needy wherever they are. It is permissible to transfer zakat to another town. It is also encouraged to pay it to poor relatives as it gives one the advantage of kindness to relatives.

Zakat may not be given to


Zakat isn't a must in 6 classes of people; those who can earn their living, offspring, wives, ancestors, unbelievers, prophet's descendants, and slaves. It isn't necessary to satisfy the 8 zakat deservers.

The beneficiaries of zakat


Zakat is for 8 classes of people; the poor, the needy , the administrative workers , those whose hearts are to be won over, freeing people in bondage, paying debts , travellers in need and for further god causes.



Cattle include camels, cows and bovine animals are objects deserving zakat to be paid on certain conditions; the threshold should be met, to be owned for more than a year, grazing period and not used for living.

What the earth produces


Zakat is obligatory on what earth produces; grains which are fully grown, can be eaten, stored and meeting the threshold. Rikaz which is gold or silver and minerals which is agreed to be anything coming from earth.

Commercial commodities


Commercial commodities refer to everything a Muslim own and uses for trade. They should be owned by personal action for the intention of trading and their value must be equal or to exceed Zakat threshold.

Zakat on jewellery


Scholars agree that Zakat is due on jewelry kept as savings. But they differ in their view on jewelry kept for permissible use. As a conclusion, zakat is not due on usable jewelry if it is within reasonable limits.

Zakat on gold and silver


Zakat must be paid on gold and silver. An amount of 2.5 percent is required to be paid but there are some conditions that should be met like; ownership of the threshold, full ownership and the turn of a year.

Economic benefits of zakat


Zakat has a huge positive economic effect on the society. It helps solving poor and needy problems. It plays a significant role in wealth and resources redistribution and encourages better productivity.

Social effects of zakat


Zakat has numerous social effects. It erases zakat payer sins, purifies his heart from any greed and removes any traces of miserliness. It also spreads a spirit of mutual care and love within the Muslim community. 

Properties liable to zakat


Zakat is paid on 5 types of properties; cattle, gold and silver, commercial goods, grains and fruits and mineral resources. Each has its conditions. Those who neglect paying it are promised a painful suffering. 

Withholding zakat


Withholding zakat is a grave sin but it does not mean that the person is an unbeliever. They are liable to punishment and zakat could be taken from them by force until they submit to God’s commands. 

Denying zakat


If a Muslim denies zakat and he is fully aware of Islamic rules and has access to scholars he is considered as an apostate. Only those who are new to Islam or have valid reason are not deemed to be unbelievers.
