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What the declaration means


‘Muhammad is Allah’s messenger’, means that we are required ‘to obey all his orders, believe whatever he stated and refrain from everything he prohibited.

What the declaration means


There is no deity worthy of being worshiped other than Allah’, means that no one may be rightly worshipped except Allah, the Glorious, the Most High.

The first rukn: the declaration


I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of being worshipped other than Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is Allah’s messenger.’ This declaration testifying to two important facts is the gateway to Islam.

Categories of zakat


Zakat is paid on 5 types of properties; cattle, gold and silver, commercial goods, grains and fruits and mineral resources. Each has its conditions. Those who neglect paying it are promised a painful suffering. 

The Zakat


Zakat is one of the 5 pillars of Islam. It is a charity duty imposed on a certain threshold of excess money and paid to the poor. It is the most important pillar after testifying that there is no deity than God and prayer. 

How to calculate Zakat?


How to calculate Zakat for pensions, savings, loans, debts and property.

Do Angels have Free Will?


Do Angels have Free Will?

Eating food of innovated events


Eating food of innovated festivals like Mawlid, Muharram, Khatam etc - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem.

What is recommended in Friday Prayer


It is recommended, i.e. a Sunnah, to go to the mosque early to earn great reward.

Conditions making wiping over the khuffs invalid


Wiping over khuff during ablution is a form of Islam easiness when it is hard to remove it or its likes. But some conditions make it invalid like; time limit and feet exposure. More cases are clarified in this article.

Nullifiers of ablution


There are some things that make ablution invalid; such as any discharge from private parts and this applies to stool, urine, semen, blood, and wind. Also, Deep sleep and touching one’s private parts break ablution.

Wiping over the khuff


Kuff is what is worn over the feet. It includes socks and could be made of various materials. God has permitted his servants to wipe over it during ablution if they cover the feet up to the ankles as a form of easiness. 

Ablution - part two


Wudu means cleanliness and brightness. But in Islam, it refers to washing the face, arms, head, and feet with clean water. In other words it is called ablution. It is obligatory before prayer or similar worship acts.



Wudu means cleanliness and brightness. But in Islam, it refers to washing the face, arms, head, and feet with clean water. In other words it is called ablution. It is obligatory before prayer or similar worship acts.

What does not invalidate Ablution


What does not invalidate Ablution: 1. Touching a person of the other sex skin to skin. 2. Bleeding from any part of the body other than that which comes from the private parts. 3. Vomit, regardless of its amount. 4. Doubting whether one’s ablution has been invalidated. 5. Loud laughter during the prayer (this invalidates the prayer but not the wudhu). 6. Washing a dead person to prepare him for burial.

The Obligatory Acts of Ablution


The Obligatory Acts of Ablution: 1.Washing one’s whole face. 2.Washing one’s arms up to the elbows. 3.Wiping one’s head with one’s wet hand. 4.Washing one’s feet up to the ankles. 5.Following the proper order. 6.Continuous progress: one part immediately after the one before it, without delay.

Recommended practices of sound nature (i.e. fitrah)


Recommended practices of sound nature (i.e. fitrah): 1.Shaving pubic hair. 2.Circumcision. 3.Trimming the moustache. 4.Nail clipping. 5.Plucking the armpit. 6- Brushing one’s teeth. 7- Rinsing one’s nose and mouth. 8- Washing the back of finger joints. 9- Washing private parts.

Sources of Islamic legislation


Sources of Islamic legislation 1-Textual sources: - Quran -Sunnah 2- Sources requiring scholarly endeavor (ijtihad). 1-      Unanimity (i.e. Ijma' ). 2-      Analogy (i.e. Qiyas). 3-      Subtle analogy (i.e. Isthsan). 4-      Interests without rulings (i.e. Ma li Mursalah). 5-      Customs of Muslims (i.e. al- 'Urf). 6-      Statements by the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) Companions’. 7-      The laws of earlier divine religions. 8-      Prevention of what leads to the prohibited (i.e. sadd al-dhara’i'). 9-      Al-Istishab.

What is recommended in the prayer


What is recommended in the prayer • Saying (opening du’aa’) after the opening takbeer. • Seeking refuge with Allah. • Saying Bismillaah. • Saying Ameen. • Reciting a surah after al-Faatihah. • Reciting out loud, in the case of the imam or individual in the first two rak'ah of Fajr, Maghreb and Isha. •Saying after the tahmeed (Rabbana wa laka’l-hamd): “Mil’ al-samawaati wa mil’ al-ard wa mil’ ma shi’ta min shay’in ba’d (Filling the heavens, filling the earth, and filling whatever else You wish).” •Saying the tasbeeh (when bowing or in prostration) more than once, such as a second or third time or more. • Saying “Rabb ighfir li (Lord forgive me)” more than once between the two prostrations. •Saying the recommended du’aa’ after offering the salutation upon the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family known as Assalatul Ibrahimiyah.

Fiqh of Family- Divorce - Part XI


In this lecture Sh. Ahmed AlRumh talks on the topic of Rulings on Divorce in Islam -11.
