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Offering a Greeting Other Than Peace to non-Muslims


There are two views on offering unbelievers a greeting other than peace or starting with an ordinary greeting. One view permits offering a general greeting. The other forbids to start by greeting a non-Muslim

Salah Learning: Muslim Prayer


Salah learning is a great way to learn how to pray salah! Whether you're an adult wanting to learn, or maybe you're looking for a way to teach your children namaz , a Revert/convert to Islam or even just someone wanting to brush up on how you should be praying - Salah is for you!

The story of Imam Malik - Part Two


The the life of the four Imam’s series, Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'I and Hanbali. 

The story of Imam Abu Hanifa


The the life of the four Imam’s series, Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'I and Hanbali. 

Adopting the Husband’s Family Name


It is a tradition in Western countries that a married woman affiliates herself to her husband family. In Islam there are 2 views on this subject, the first forbids it, but the other sees it as a way of identification.   

Marriage of Convenience


In some cases a man and a woman tend to get married to obtain certain benefits. Scholars are unanimous that such a marriage is forbidden as it is not permissible to go through a marriage contract for false pretenses.

Inheritance When Religions Differ


Muslim scholars have different views on the subject of inheritance when the deceased person and his heirs are from different religions. The presence of a bequest by will plays an important role in this case. 

Custody of a Muslim Child by a non-Muslim Woman


The mother has the first right of custody even if she is following an earlier divine religion until the child is 7. In case it is feared that the child will be leaning towards disbelief, it will be taken from his mother. 

Marriage Termination by Islamic Centres at the Wife’s Request


A Muslim woman in a non-Muslim country can terminate her marriage at her request “Khul’” through Islamic centers, as they have a judicial status. But the arbiters must follow all the required procedures.  

Islamic Law & Its rationale



Ramadan Made Easy


An exclusive Ramadan Webinar followed by a Q&A session with Dr. Bilal Philips

Divorce by a non-Muslim Judge


When relations between man and wife are strained, a woman may seek a legal judgment in her case from the courts of the country in which she lives. Fiqh councils have different opinions on this subject. 

Can a Wife Seek Divorce if her Husband is a Transgressor


Seeking divorce from an errant husband is a recurrent case that Islam has different views on it. If he thinks his sins are lawful then the marriage is dissolved. If not, she must be more patient and guide him.

Can a Woman Initiate Divorce From Her Husband?


In Islam, a woman has the right to terminate her marriage, so that she can divorce her husband if she wants. This is perfectly acceptable according to the majority of scholars, of both olden and contemporary times. 

Sham Divorce


In some situations a man divorces his wife to get some benefits and then reinstate their marriage. There are 2 views; the first considers such divorce effective. The other sees that it depends on man’s intention.

Divorce by Islamic Centres


Do Islamic centres have a judicial role?Is divorce ordered by an Islamic centre valid?

Apostasy and Marriage


A Muslim woman can’t get married to an apostate but if apostasy takes place after marriage; some scholars consider this marriage dissolved. Others see that she can wait until her waiting period is over.

Marrying a Communist Woman


If a Muslim man wants to marry a communist woman. Is it a lawful to do so? Communism is a creed of disbelief so it is unlawful for him to marry an unbeliever. This article explains the reason behind the prohibition. 

Marrying one’s Partner in Adultery


Muslim scholars have different views when a man and a woman commit adultery and then wish to put their relationship on the right basis through marriage

Polygamy in Countries with Muslim Minorities


Islam allows polygamy with a maximum of four wives, making it conditional on maintaining fairness between one’s wives.
