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wiping over socks
I wiped over my shoes & later took them off, can I wipe over my socks afterwards?
Can I Pray Sunnah Prayer (Tahiyatul Masjid) Just Before Maghrib?
The Prophet (PBUH) has mentioned the three times in a day where it is forbidden to pray. What happens when we enter a masjid and want to pray tahiyatul masjid a few minutes before maghrib?
How Much Zakat Do I Give On My Jewelry?
There is a debate on giving zakat on one’s gold and silver, and on gems and stones. What are the opinions? What are the requirements?
How Can One Perform The 4 Rak'ahs Sunnah Before Dhur Prayer?
Each prayer has a sunnah prayer attached to it. We know that Dhur prayer has 4 raka’hs sunnah prior. How should these 4 rak’ahs be performed?
Can Someone Sit And Pray While On The Plane?
What happens if we are on a plane during the time for prayer? Can we pray while sitting on the plane?
What Defines Obedience To The Husband?
What defines the obedience of a wife to her husband? What does Islam say about obedience? What are the conditions and rulings surrounding this?
What Causes Divorce? Shaytaan Or Faulty Marriages?
When a marriage ends in divorce, is it purely the work of Shaytaan? Or could it be the result of a bad relationship between the husband and wife?
Getting To Know Potential Spouse Without Disobeying Allah
In Islam we are encouraged to meet a potential spouse in the presence of a Mahram and get to know them. Many ahadith encourage looking at and physically meeting a potential spouse.
In My Home Can I Hang Verses Of Quran For Blessing?
Almost all Muslim homes are decorated with Calligraphy of Quranic Verses. The idea behind these decorations is to remind us of the message & meaning of those verses. They don't necessarily bring barakah just because they are hung on the walls of our home.
Applied For A Loan In Dollars & Received In Pounds, How Do I Pay Back?
This issue is happening with brexit and around the world when you take a loan in dollars but they pay you in pounds. When it comes to money exchange it is given hand to hand immediately, and it has to be exact same quantity and in same currency it was received in.
How Do I Repent From Gossiping?
One of the worst traits a person can have is to speak ill behind someone's back when they cannot defend themselves. It is important we realize and accept that at some point even those with good character have gossiped and have been sinful.
Can I Combine Intention For Nafil, Sunnah & Intermittent Fast?
When you want to do something for the sake of Allah, it should truly be for the sake of Allah. You have to struggle and strive to please Allah primarily. Everything else needs to be a secondary intention. Your prime focus should be pleasure of Allah by performance of a good deed. Your focus cannot be weight-loss primarily. When you are fasting for the sake of Allah, what you do during the fast matters. You are not just starving yourself from food. You have to change your attitude. Shaykh Abu Eesa answers and explains..
Is Ghusl Needed If My Period Began Right After Intercourse?
After marital relations you are in a state of ritual impurity (called Janaba where recitation of Qur'an is not allowed) which is different from the state of menstruation. During menstruation even though there is a difference of opinion you are allowed to recite Quran without touching it physically. Some ulema even encourage it.
Is The Reward More For Washing Feet Or Wiping Over Socks During Wudu
A vast majority of scholars prefer washing feet during Wudu. It is the asal and the basic principle. But let's also remember it is sunnah to wipe over socks.
Is There Such Thing As Good Bid’ah and Bad Bid’ah?
Bid’ah has always been known by most to be something negative. Anything the Prophet (ﷺ) did not do or Allah (SWT) has not instructed us to do, we must not do any of it. However, scholars have discussed in regards to differentiating between a ‘good Bid’ah’ and a ‘bad Bid’ah.'
Do We Have Free Will Or Is Everything Predestined?
If Allah has predestined everything, then what is the point of doing anything? Do we even have free will if everything we do is already written and known by Allah?
I Want To Begin Praying But Haven't In Years, What Do I Do?
Prayer is the second pillar of Islam. Without a doubt, it is a crucial aspect of our deen. If a person has not prayed in years, but wants to start doing so, how should they go about that? What should they do?
How Should Two People Praying Together Stand In Salah?
When two people are in jam’ah together, where should the imam be standing and where should the follower stand? A common practice is for the follower to be a little behind the imam. Is this correct?
8 Or 20 For Taraweeh?
We all agree that Taraweeh – the additional prayers after Isha during the month of Ramadan – is optional. Can we then, as a community, justify creating trouble for each other if some pray more Taraweeh, or less?
Can I Pray Taraweeh Behind A Child?
A lot of mosques allow students of the Qur'an as young as 10 years old lead Taraweeh prayer in Ramadan. But is this actually allowed? What are the conditions for one to lead salah?