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Recommended practices of sound nature


Allah’s Messenger -PBUH- said: “Ten practices are part of sound human nature: trimming the moustache, growing one’s beard, brushing one’s teeth, rinsing one’s nose, clipping one’s nails, washing the back of finger joints, plucking armpit hair, shaving pubic hair and washing private parts.”

Muslim bathroom etiquette - Part III


It is forbidden to wipe one’s private parts after defecation with animal droppings, bones or food.

Muslim bathroom etiquette - Part II


It is also forbidden to urinate or defecate by the roadside, or in the shade, or in parks, or under a fruit tree, or close to water sources.

Muslim bathroom etiquette


It is forbidden to urinate in stagnant water, hold the Qur’an or to read it when one is in the toilet, hold one’s penis with one’s right hand when urinating, and one should not use it to clean oneself after urination or defecation. It is also forbidden to urinate or defecate by the roadside.

Toilet Manners


When one goes to the toilet, one is recommended to say before entering: ‘In the name of Allah. My Lord, I seek shelter with You from all that is dirty and foul.

Relieving oneself in an open area


If a person is relieving oneself in an open area, as in the desert, one may not face the qiblah or turn one’s back to it.



Istijmar involves wiping with a solid object that is pure and cleansing, such as toilet paper, stones, wood, etc.

Istinja and Istibra


Istinja’ is the Arabic word used for the removal of traces of what is discharged through the private parts, while istijmar signifies the use of a cleansing solid object, such as toilet paper or something similar.

What is reprehensible when relieving oneself


What is reprehensible when relieving oneself a- Relieving oneself in an open area and it is windy, to do it facing the direction of the wind. b- To converse with anyone and  to urinate over a crevice in the ground. c- To take anything in which Allah’s name is written, except when necessary.

Using the toilet and its manners


The use of water or solids, and whether either is sufficient.

Unbelievers’ utensils


The primary ruling is that these are permissible to use. However, if it is known that they are contaminated with impurity, then they may not be used until they have been washed.

Utensils welded with gold or silver


If gold is used for welding a broken utensil, it becomes unlawful to use, but If a small amount of silver is used for welding, it is permissible to use.

Use of gold and silver articles in purification


The use of gold and silver articles for food and drink is forbidden.

Containers, plates and utensils


Under this heading all types of utensils are included, including metal containers. To start with, these are permissible to use,  as Allah says: ‘It is He who created for you all that is on earth’ (2: 29).

The water used for purification


The water that ensures purification is called tahur, and it is defined as pure and purifying.



Linguistically speaking, purification means cleanliness and being free of dirt. Technically, purity is divided into two types; removing the filth and uplifting the ritual status of impurity.

Works of Hanbli school


Al-Marawi’s Al-Inf. Ibn Mufli’s Al-Fur, and those by later scholars include Mansour al-Bahuti’s - Kashf al-Qina'an Matn al-Iqna'

Hanbli school


Methodology: Texts, The rulings of the Prophet’s Companions, whenever they agreed on a question. When the Prophet’s Companions disagreed, he would choose the view he considered closest to the Qur’an and the Sunnah.

works of Al-Shafi'i School


Mohammed al-Ramli -Nihayat al-Muhtaj ila Shar al-Minhaj; 2) Ahmad al-Haytami’s -Tufaht al-Muhtaj fi Sharh al-Minhaj; and 3) al-Khab al-Shirbni’s Mughni- al-Muhtaj ila Shar al-Minhaj.

Al-Shafi'i School


Methodology: Qur'an, Sunnah, Unanimity of (all) the Scholars, the statement of any Companion of the Prophet (pbuh), provided there is no disagreement among the Prophet’s Companions on the same matter, Analogy: applying a stated verdict to a question that carries no verdict, provided that the reasoning for this verdict applies equally to both questions.
