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Wiping over the khuff
Kuff is what is worn over the feet. It includes socks and could be made of various materials. God has permitted his servants to wipe over it during ablution if they cover the feet up to the ankles as a form of easiness.
Ablution - Wuduu
Wudu means cleanliness and brightness. But in Islam it refers to washing the face, arms, head and feet with clean water. In other words it is called ablution. It is obligatory before prayer or similar worship acts.
Fitrah - Recommended practices
There are five practices also called ‘nature’s fine characteristics’ that each Muslim should perform to keep the best and most complete form. Practices and the reason behind them are explained in the article.
Using the toilet and its manners
There is an etiquette that must be followed when using the toilet. Islam has described how one should take care of his personal hygiene. Other acts are prohibited like facing or turning one’s back to the qiblah.
Any water could be used for purification if it retains its original state as it is created. This water is called “Tahur” and it could be taken from any source; whether it is rain, rivers or coming up from the earth.
The Pillars of Islam
Simplified explanation of the Five pillars of Islam: declaration of faith, prayer, zakat, fasting and pilgrimage, which represent a framework of the Muslim life and the core of Islam religion. Moreover it talks about the The main message of Islam.
learn Fiqh with Al-Hakeem | Practices prohibited during consecration (i.e. ihram)
Practices prohibited during consecration (i.e. ihram).
How to upbring our children in the right way and manner?
How to upbring our children in the right way and manner? - Assim al hakeem.
Ruling on making pronunciation mistakes during Prayer
Ruling on making pronunciation mistakes during Salah / Prayer - Assim al hakeem.
What are the responsibilities of a mother towards her Newborn Child?
What are the responsibilities of a mother towards her Newborn Child? - Assim al hakeem.
If someone dies due to Covid-19, is he considered a Martyr?
If someone dies due to Covid-19, is he considered a Martyr? - Assim al hakeem.
When I Sneeze should I say Alhamdulillah loudly so that other person can hear
When I Sneeze should I say Alhamdulillah loudly so that other person can hear & reply Assim al hakeem.
Mixing Saliva with Soil, placing it on affected areas for cure of Pimples, Wounds, etc
Mixing Saliva with Soil, placing it on affected areas for cure of Pimples, Wounds, etc Assimalhakeem.
How to know if the woman I want to propose to is of good character?
How to know if the woman I want to propose to is of good character? - Assim al hakeem.
Can a woman go out whenever she wants if she has a general permission from husband?
Can a woman go out whenever she wants if she has a general permission from husband? Assim al hakeeem.
Husband gives time to his family rather than his wife & kids, is this fair?
Husband gives time to his family rather than his wife & kids, is this fair? - Assim al hakeem.
If a man marries a widow, is her daughter a mahram for him?
If a man marries a widow, is her daughter a mahram for him? - Assim al hakeem.
Can I pray night prayers (Qayam Al Layl) immediately after Isha or before sleeping?
Can I pray night prayers (Qayam Al Layl) immediately after Isha or before sleeping? Assim al hakeem
Can I pray 2 Witr in one night? What if I want to pray tahajjud, can I repeat Witr?
Can I pray 2 Witr in one night? What if I want to pray tahajjud, can I repeat Witr? Assim al hakeem.
Is a woman allowed to work against her husband's permission?
Is a woman allowed to work against her husband's permission? - Assim al hakeem.