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The Eid prayer
The Eid prayer is a collective duty, which means that when some Muslims offer it, the rest are not accountable for their omission. If no one offers it, then all share in the sin. This is because it is one of the clearest manifestations of the Islamic identity of the community.
What is Recommended in Friday prayer
what is Recommended in Friday prayer.
Friday prayer
Friday prayer is a duty on all male Muslims. Those who are free, sane, attained puberty, not travelling, have no excuse to miss it. It is performed at the time of Zuhr prayer and it is invalid without a sermon (speech).
Congregational prayer
Congregational prayer.
What is reprehensible in prayer
What is reprehensible in prayer.
What invalidates the prayer
What invalidates the prayer.
Sunnah actions which are postures
Sunnah actions which are postures.
What is recommended (Sunnah) in prayer
What is recommended (Sunnah) in prayer.
The best 10 days of the year (Dhul hijjah)
The best 10 days of the year (Dhul hijjah) - Assim al hakeem.
is jannah at the feet of our mothers?
is jannah at the feet of our mothers?
I cant pray Maghrib prayer in time because of my work can i combine Maghrib and Isha.
I cant pray Maghrib prayer in time because of my work can i combine Maghrib and Isha.
Her Husband Doesn't Shoulder hid responsibilities
Her Husband Doesn't Shoulder hid responsibilities.
Is a must to slaughter a sheep to give charity for a sick person
Is a must to slaughter a sheep to give charity for a sick person.
Should I Keep Forcing My Husband and Son to pray
Should I Keep Forcing My Husband and Son to pray.
Smoking While fasting and in The haram
Smoking While fasting and in The haram.
Buying Property From The Bank
Buying Property From The Bank.
I Changed My Name After Marriage – Is This Wrong
I Changed My Name After Marriage – Is This Wrong.
What Should I Do To Become A daiah
What Should I Do To Become A daiah.
Praying silent prayers in loud
Praying silent prayers in loud.
Which rakah was I in? OCD & Waswas in salah, is it from Satan & Can I ignore it?
Which rakah was I in? OCD & Waswas in salah, is it from Satan & Can I ignore it? - Assim al hakeem.