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Ok 2 eat products that have disclaimer of possible haram substances but ingredients are halal?


Ok 2 eat products that have disclaimer of possible haram substances but ingredients are halal? - Assim al hakeem

Can we give donations to an orphanage or school that teaches corrupt aqeedah?


Can we give donations to an orphanage or school that teaches corrupt aqeedah? - Assim al hakeem

​Underarm & Pubic hair removal at a salon for women by other women, what about laser treatment?


Underarm & Pubic hair removal at a salon for women by other women, what about laser treatment? Assim al hakeem

​Mixed wedding with muslims & non muslims permissible?


Mixed wedding with muslims & non muslims permissible? Is this kind of marriage valid Assim al hakeem

What are the rights of an older sibling over his younger siblings?


What are the rights of an older sibling over his younger siblings? - Assim al hakeem

​Live with Restream Ask Zad # 168


Live with Restream Ask Zad # 168 - Assim al hakeem

​How can we increase our fear of Allah?


How can we increase our fear of Allah? - Assim al hakeem

Live with Restream Ask Zad # 167


Live with Restream Ask Zad # 167 - Assim al hakeem

​The Beauty of Jannah


The Beauty of Jannah - Assim al hakeem

​Ruling on taking medication that contains alcohol


Ruling on taking medication that contains alcohol - Assim al hakeem

Can Allah create something all hearing & all seeing?


Can Allah create something all hearing & all seeing? - Assim al hakeem

Weddings with Mehndi & Haldi functions permissible?


Weddings with Mehndi & Haldi functions permissible? - Assim al hakeem

Is a person kafir who boasts about the movies & songs he has watched & heard?


Is a person kafir who boasts about the movies & songs he has watched & heard? - Assim al hakeem

Father's firm uses cracked software to edit photos, if I use these pics am I sinful?


Father's firm uses cracked software to edit photos, if I use these pics am I sinful? Assim al hakeem

How can we get rid of arrogance?


How can we get rid of arrogance? - Assim al hakeem

​What to do if sexually harassed, touched in public places (masjid haram etc)?


What to do if sexually harassed, touched in public places (masjid haram etc)? - Assim al hakeem

What counts as completing a rakah before the prayer time is over?


What counts as completing a rakah before the prayer time is over? - Assim al hakeem

​Can we give interest money, zakat, charity to poor knowing they will use for haram purposes?


Can we give interest money, zakat, charity to poor knowing they will use for haram purposes?  Assim al hakeem

Semi Men who take dowry from women


Semi Men who take dowry from women - Assim al hakeem

Puddles on road may have dog's or Cat's urine etc, must we wash if it spalses on us?


Puddles on road may have dog's or Cat's urine etc, must we wash if it spalses on us? Assim al hakeem
