content of level
Working for health care company that is outsourced by hospital & overcharges clients
Working for health care company that is outsourced by hospital & overcharges clients assim al hakeem
Gap between prayers is short, can't pray on time due to work, Can I combine prayers
Gap between prayers is short, can't pray on time due to work, Can I combine prayers Assim al hakeem
Saw muslims eating non halal food on plane, should I warn them, how to approach?
Saw muslims eating non halal food on plane, should I warn them, how to approach? - assim al hakeem
What is the difference between Ar Rahman & Ar Raheem?
What is the difference between Ar Rahman & Ar Raheem? - Assim al hakeem
Reverted to Islam, can I sell my old kufr books or should I burn them?
Reverted to Islam, can I sell my old kufr books or should I burn them? - Assim al hakeem
Sheikh said men should get married as rizq will come even if you're unable to provide
Sheikh said men should get married as rizq will come even if you're unable to provide Assim alhakeem
Can a woman get into an elevator (lift) if there is a man or two men inside?
Can a woman get into an elevator (lift) if there is a man or two men inside? - Assim al hakeem
Taught siblings 2 clean after going 2 bathroom Must I check if they cleaned properly
Taught siblings 2 clean after going 2 bathroom Must I check if they cleaned properly Assim al hakeem
How to make wudu What things invalidate it? I take long time in wudu & make mistakes
How to make wudu What things invalidate it? I take long time in wudu & make mistakes Assim al hakeem
Due to OCD can I always do sujood as sahu even unnecessarily or will it nullify prayer
Due to OCD can I always do sujood as sahu even unnecessarily or will it nullify prayer assim al hakeem
Print on demand (design /text on shirts, mugs) is it selling something you don't own
Print on demand (design /text on shirts, mugs) is it selling something you don't own Assim al hakeem
Doubtful I passed wind during prayer but I didn't hear a sound nor smell anything
Doubtful I passed wind during prayer but I didn't hear a sound nor smell anything - Assim al hakeem
Are doors of Ijtihad still open & how can a person become a Mujtahid?
Are doors of Ijtihad still open & how can a person become a Mujtahid? - Assim al hakeem
Want to close savings account but have exams, Am I sinful if I close it after exams?
Want to close savings account but have exams, Am I sinful if I close it after exams? Assim al hakeem
When to say Rabbana wa lakal hamd when praying behind the imam?
When to say Rabbana wa lakal hamd when praying behind the imam? - Assim al hakeem
When a woman sees purity, must she immediately make ghusl & pray?
When a woman sees purity, must she immediately make ghusl & pray? - Assim al hakeem
If a person misses prayer due to sleep must he pray immediately or can he delay?
If a person misses prayer due to sleep must he pray immediately or can he delay? - Assim al hakeem
Can I participate in competition that has admission fee but I don't take prize money
Can I participate in competition that has admission fee but I don't take prize money Assim al hakeem
Do I have to renew my wudu if I peel off dead skin or shave my head?
Do I have to renew my wudu if I peel off dead skin or shave my head? - Assim al hakeem
What does it mean to be truthful with Allah?
What does it mean to be truthful with Allah? - Assim al hakeem