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Relatives forcing her to do shirk, threatening they'll stop her cancer medication


Relatives forcing her to do shirk, threatening they'll stop her cancer medication Assim al hakeem

As agency, when can I use my commission fees for products that have guarantee period


As agency, when can I use my commission fees for products that have guarantee period Assim al hakeem

Wife doesn't lose weight, take care of her beauty even if I ask her to (Advice both)


Wife doesn't lose weight, take care of her beauty even if I ask her to (Advice both) Assim al hakeem

Live with Restream Ask Zad # 207


Live with Restream Ask Zad # 207 - Assim al hakeem

Is makhraj necessary for pronouncing letters & for our prayers to be valid?


Is makhraj necessary for pronouncing letters & for our prayers to be valid? - Assim al hakeem

Is it shirk or kufr to watch a video that shows shirk or the presenter wears taweez?


Is it shirk or kufr to watch a video that shows shirk or the presenter wears taweez? Assim al hakeem

Live with Restream Ask Zad # 206


Live with Restream Ask Zad # 206 - Assim al hakeem

If little girl who hasn't reached puberty passes in front of me Is my prayer invalid


If little girl who hasn't reached puberty passes in front of me Is my prayer invalid Assim al hakeem

How to deal with ignorant people who accuse others without any proof?


How to deal with ignorant people who accuse others without any proof? - Assim al hakeem

Unsure when my incontinence will begin or stop Can I pray at beginning of salah time


Unsure when my incontinence will begin or stop Can I pray at beginning of salah time Assim al hakeem

Split Baqarah in 3 days or recite in 1 day for protection from satan? Last 2 Ayahs of Baqarah


Split Baqarah in 3 days or recite in 1 day for protection from satan? Last 2 Ayahs of Baqarah Assim al hakeem

Imam makes dua, recites Quran loudly after every prayer Should I stay / leave masjid


Imam makes dua, recites Quran loudly after every prayer Should I stay / leave masjid Assim al hakeem

Wudu water for evil eye, must I collect their snot & spit too? (For doing ruqya)


Wudu water for evil eye, must I collect their snot & spit too? (For doing ruqya) Assim al hakeem

Can a woman change her father's, grandfather's name to husband's name after marriage


Can a woman change her father's, grandfather's name to husband's name after marriage Assim al hakeem

Can we eat eggs with blood spots & meat that has blood in veins etc?


Can we eat eggs with blood spots & meat that has blood in veins etc? - Assim al hakeem

Praying 2 rakah Duha fulfill obligation to give charity for every joint bone in body


Praying 2 rakah Duha fulfill obligation to give charity for every joint bone in body Assim al hakeem

Giving letter of recommendation to one you don't know, is this major sin of false testimony?


Giving letter of recommendation to one you don't know, is this major sin of false testimony? Assim Al-hakeem

Can we use good deeds, blessed places (haram, kabah) as waseela to ask Allah 4 things


Can we use good deeds, blessed places (haram, kabah) as waseela to ask Allah 4 things Assim al hakeem

Can a woman ask questions on online forum where non mahrams may answer the questions


Can a woman ask questions on online forum where non mahrams may answer the questions Assim al hakeem

If a non mahram female gives salam, is it haram or makrooh to reply to her?


If a non mahram female gives salam, is it haram or makrooh to reply to her? - Assim al hakeem
