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Are doors of Ijtihad still open & how can a person become a Mujtahid?


Are doors of Ijtihad still open & how can a person become a Mujtahid? - Assim al hakeem

Want to close savings account but have exams, Am I sinful if I close it after exams?


Want to close savings account but have exams, Am I sinful if I close it after exams? Assim al hakeem

When to say Rabbana wa lakal hamd when praying behind the imam?


When to say Rabbana wa lakal hamd when praying behind the imam? - Assim al hakeem

When a woman sees purity, must she immediately make ghusl & pray?


When a woman sees purity, must she immediately make ghusl & pray? - Assim al hakeem

If a person misses prayer due to sleep must he pray immediately or can he delay?


If a person misses prayer due to sleep must he pray immediately or can he delay? - Assim al hakeem

Can I participate in competition that has admission fee but I don't take prize money


Can I participate in competition that has admission fee but I don't take prize money Assim al hakeem

Do I have to renew my wudu if I peel off dead skin or shave my head?


Do I have to renew my wudu if I peel off dead skin or shave my head? - Assim al hakeem

What does it mean to be truthful with Allah?


What does it mean to be truthful with Allah? - Assim al hakeem

Jarh wa Tadil (looking into chain of hadith narrators) Are there such scholars now?


Jarh wa Tadil (looking into chain of hadith narrators) Are there such scholars now? Assim al hakeem

Can I give my brother my headset when I know he will use it for both haram & halal?


Can I give my brother my headset when I know he will use it for both haram & halal? Assim al hakeem

If a person makes jokes using Islamic elements, is it considered as mocking islam?


If a person makes jokes using Islamic elements, is it considered as mocking islam? - Assim al hakeem

Is exposing a woman's ears for passport photo permissible?


Is exposing a woman's ears for passport photo permissible? - Assim al hakeem

Going through menopause & see spotting before & after menses - what to do?


Going through menopause & see spotting before & after menses - what to do? - Assim al hakeem

Is it shirk to say something depends on other than Allah (my salary depends on boss)


Is it shirk to say something depends on other than Allah (my salary depends on boss) Assim al hakeem

Can women cut hair upto shoulders, 1 inch below earlobe or would it be imitating men


Can women cut hair upto shoulders, 1 inch below earlobe or would it be imitating men Assim al hakeem

Shake hands & say Taqabbalna minna wa minkum (May Allah accept..) after fard prayer?


Shake hands & say Taqabbalna minna wa minkum (May Allah accept..) after fard prayer? Assim al hakeem

Husband divorced wife many times & lied to mufti he didn't, are they still married?


Husband divorced wife many times & lied to mufti he didn't, are they still married? Assim al hakeem

Family with non mahrams go out to restaurant etc, sit separately but can see, hear each other


Family with non mahrams go out to restaurant etc, sit separately but can see, hear each other Assim Al hakeem

Ruling on men traveling alone in Islam? Is urban exploration permissible?


Ruling on men traveling alone in Islam? Is urban exploration permissible? - Assim al hakeem

Double intention for missed fasts with Ashura Arafat 3 White days Mondays Thursdays?


Double intention for missed fasts with Ashura Arafat 3 White days Mondays Thursdays? Assim al hakeem
