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What to do with leftover food, must we eat it, feed it to animals or throw it away


What to do with leftover food, must we eat it, feed it to animals or throw it away - Assim al hakeem.

Fearing of hellfire due to many sins & feeling despair of Allah's Mercy


Fearing of hellfire due to many sins & feeling despair of Allah's Mercy - Assim al hakeem.

Is flipping a coin to make decisions permissible? What about Prophet drawing lots?


Is flipping a coin to make decisions permissible? What about Prophet drawing lots? - Assim al hakeem

Are there any signs that Allah has accepted our repentance?


Are there any signs that Allah has accepted our repentance? - Assim al hakeem.

Can Quran be installed & recited in a phone that has Haram stuff


Can Quran be installed & recited in a phone that has Haram stuff like porn, music etc Assimalhakeem

Is my prayer valid if I wear an abaya covering over clothes that have images on it?


Is my prayer valid if I wear an abaya covering over clothes that have images on it? Assim al hakeem

Must we make sure water has reached every part of our body when making ghusl?


Must we make sure water has reached every part of our body when making ghusl? - Assim al hakeem.

Why was world created in 6 days when nothing is impossible for Allah


Why was world created in 6 days when nothing is impossible for Allah: Be & it will be- Assim al-hakeem.

Haram income of father not Haram for family


Haram income of father not Haram for family, what about hadith of Abu Bakr vomiting food Assim al-hakeem.

Is receiving gifts due to one's profession permissible or is this a bribe?


Is receiving gifts due to one's profession permissible or is this a bribe? - Assim al hakeem.

Is it mandatory to rinse nose and mouth during ghusl?


Is it mandatory to rinse nose and mouth during ghusl? - Assim al hakeem.

Cutting ties with relatives who have left Islam (Apostasy)


Cutting ties with relatives who have left Islam (Apostasy) - Assim al hakeem.

Ruling on wearing a ring made of iron


Ruling on wearing a ring made of iron - Assim al hakeem.

Where to look during tashahhud in salah?


Where to look during tashahhud in salah: at my index finger or place of prostration? Assim al hakeem



Muslims must be pure before praying or any other act of worship requiring purity. Purification means the removal of any physical discharge from private parts which require washing, water sprinkling or wiping. 

Zakat al-Fitr


Zakat al-Fitr is a duty incumbent on every Muslim. Ibn 'Umar reports: ‘Allah’s messenger made the Zakat al-Fitr, a sa' of dates or barley, binding on every Muslim: slave or free, male or female, young or old.

Conditions applicable to commercial commodities


Conditions applicable to commercial commodities.

Zakat on jewellery


Scholars agree that Zakat is due on jewelry kept as savings. But they differ in their view on jewelry kept for permissible use. As a conclusion, zakat is not due on usable jewelry if it is within reasonable limits.

What is due on gold and silver


The zakat payable on gold and silver is 2.5 %, which means that for 20 dinars (a dinar was the gold currency) half a dinar is payable. For any little or great amount above that the same rate of 2.5 % applies.

Zakat due on loans


If the borrower is facing hardship and cannot repay the debt, the lender pays zakat for the loan once it is repaid. If it had been with the borrower for several years, the lender pays its zakat for one year only. On the other hand, if the loan is given to someone who has money and is able to repay it, its zakat is due on the lender every year, because financial instruments being with someone able to repay them is like its being with the lender.
