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Dhimmah and jizyah


Linguistically speaking, the Arabic term dhimmah means pledge, security or warranty. The dhimmah pledge means, in Islamic terminology, leaving some unbelievers alone and protecting them in return for their payment of jizyah and abiding by the Islamic rules that apply to them.

Salutation on Prophetﷺ‎ (Durood) in 1st tashahhud or sit idle if imam takes too long?


Salutation on Prophetﷺ‎ (Durood) in 1st tashahhud or sit idle if imam takes too long? Assim al hakeem

Can we make wudu or ghusl with water that is colored with rust, mud, flowers etc?


Can we make wudu or ghusl with water that is colored with rust, mud, flowers etc? - Assim al hakeem.

Can a woman pray under the sky without any roof, out in the open?


Can a woman pray under the sky without any roof, out in the open? - Assim al hakeem.

Ruling on being an Agent / Middlemen & making profit on products you don't possess


Ruling on being an Agent / Middlemen & making profit on products you don't possess - Assim al hakeem.

The person who has never had a headache is a person of hellfire, is this authentic?


The person who has never had a headache is a person of hellfire, is this authentic?- Assim al hakeem.

Most of our relatives are Sufis, Mother asks me to burn incense on Mondays & Thursdays, can I?


Most of our relatives are Sufis, Mother asks me to burn incense on Mondays & Thursdays, can I?

Caste System in Islam


Caste System in Islam & Marrying Sayed - Assim al hakeem

Can we brush our teeth instead of use Miswak before prayer & get same Sunnah reward?


Can we brush our teeth instead of use Miswak before prayer & get same Sunnah reward? Assim al hakeem.

Praying Tawbah Prayer if you see a woman in a video accidentally. Are we entitled to a First Glance?


Praying Tawbah Prayer if you see a woman in a video accidentally. Are we entitled to a First Glance?

Naming children with Non Religious names


Naming children with Non Religious names - Assim al hakeem.

Is Satan able to know what we are thinking?


Is Satan able to know what we are thinking? - Assim al hakeem.

Is Mosquito blood impure and does it impact our prayer?


Is Mosquito blood impure and does it impact our prayer? - Assim al hakeem.

Does touching non mahram break wudu?


Does touching non mahram break wudu? What about Smoking, watching Haram, listening music?

Do Angels have free will or do they do only what Allah commands them to do?


Do Angels have free will or do they do only what Allah commands them to do? - Assim al hakeem.

At what age should a child read the Quran & start to Pray?


At what age should a child read the Quran & start to Pray? - Assim al hakeem.

Can we cut our eyebrow hairs that are long & get into our eyes?


Can we cut our eyebrow hairs that are long & get into our eyes? - Assim al hakeem.

A young person reverted to Islam, doesn't fast or pray fearing his parents, is it valid


A young person reverted to Islam, doesn't fast or pray fearing his parents, is it valid - Assim alhakeem.

Is the blood of a slaughtered animal impure / najis?


Is the blood of a slaughtered animal impure / najis? - Assim al hakeem

Can Men & Women pray while wearing Masks due to Covid-19?


Can Men & Women pray while wearing Masks due to Covid-19? - Assim al hakeem
