The Prophet (PBUH) has mentioned the three times in a day where it is forbidden to pray. What happens when we enter a masjid and want to pray tahiyatul masjid a few minutes before maghrib?
In Islam we are encouraged to meet a potential spouse in the presence of a Mahram and get to know them. Many ahadith encourage looking at and physically meeting a potential spouse.
Almost all Muslim homes are decorated with Calligraphy of Quranic Verses. The idea behind these decorations is to remind us of the message & meaning of those verses. They don't necessarily bring barakah just because they are hung on the walls of our home.
This issue is happening with brexit and around the world when you take a loan in dollars but they pay you in pounds. When it comes to money exchange it is given hand to hand immediately, and it has to be exact same quantity and in same currency it was received in.
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