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8 Or 20 For Taraweeh?

8 Or 20 For Taraweeh?

We all agree that Taraweeh – the additional prayers after Isha during the month of Ramadan – is optional. Can we then, as a community, justify creating trouble for each other if some pray more Taraweeh, or less?

schedule 25/05/2019 remove_red_eye 811
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What Is Laylatul Qadr?

What Is Laylatul Qadr?

We all know that during the last 10 days of Ramadan, masjids fill up and people are more active, all in the hopes they might witness Laylatul Qadr. But what is Laylatul Qadr? What does it mean and why is it so significant?

schedule 20/05/2019 remove_red_eye 1165
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When Is Laylatul Qadr?

When Is Laylatul Qadr?

Everyone has a different idea as to what night Laylatul Qadr is on. Some say it's the 27th, others say differently... But how do we know when it is exactly? Will it forever remain a mystery?

schedule 20/05/2019 remove_red_eye 1198
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How Do I Know My Istikhara Has Been Answered?

How Do I Know My Istikhara Has Been Answered?

Istikhara is done to know if you should do something after you have taken a firm decision about something - like a job/ marriage / purchasing a home. If your istikhara is done correctly, your answer is already given. Istikhara helps you confirm with Allah if your decision is correct or wrong for done to know if you should do something after you have taken a firm decision about something - like a job/ marriage / purchasing a home. If your istikhara is done correctly, your answer is already given. Istikhara helps you confirm with Allah if your decision is correct or wrong for you. 

schedule 16/05/2019 remove_red_eye 1348
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