content of level

Can we play Video Games that have female characters?


Can we play Video Games that have female characters? - Assim al hakeem.

Hostel (Dormitory) does not allow to go to masjid, can I get reward of congregation if I pray alone?


Hostel (Dormitory) does not allow to go to masjid, can I get reward of congregation if I pray alone?

Is having a boyfriend or girlfriend permissible in Islam?


Is having a boyfriend or girlfriend permissible in Islam? - Assim al hakeem.

Is it permissible to eat while wearing our shoes, socks, sitting on the floor...?


Is it permissible to eat while wearing our shoes, socks, sitting on the floor...? - Assim al hakeem.

Ruling on Insurance in Islam


Ruling on Insurance in Islam: Car, Life, Property, Health, Education, Asset etc - Assim al hakeem.

Is small amount of Nutmeg in food permissible?


Is small amount of Nutmeg in food permissible? - Assim al hakeem.

Is it permissible to work in a bank that has both Islamic & Riba based transactions?


Is it permissible to work in a bank that has both Islamic & Riba based transactions? Assim al hakeem.

I have OCD and I fear death


I have OCD and I fear death - Assim al hakeem.

To whom is a person giving Salam at end of the prayer, in congregation & when alone?


To whom is a person giving Salam at end of the prayer, in congregation & when alone? Assim al hakeem.

Is it mandatory to say Bismillah before wudu & ghusl?


Is it mandatory to say Bismillah before wudu & ghusl? - Assim al hakeem.

Can we offer Prostration of Recitation ( Sujood Tilawah) without wudu?


Can we offer Prostration of Recitation ( Sujood Tilawah) without wudu? - Assim al hakeem.

Can we take the Coronavirus Vaccine which contains Non-Halal ingredients?


Can we take the Coronavirus Vaccine which contains Non-Halal ingredients? - Assim al hakeem.

Can I pray in Barelvi Masjid where Imam believes Prophet is created from Allah's Light (Noor)?


Can I pray in Barelvi Masjid where Imam believes Prophet is created from Allah's Light (Noor)? 

Can laymen call a person who doesn't pray, asks from dead kafir or is there a process?


Can laymen call a person who doesn't pray, asks from dead kafir or is there a process? Assimalhakeem.

Are the Prophets alive? How did our Prophet meet the Prophets in Miraj( Night Journey)


Are the Prophets alive? How did our Prophet meet the Prophets in Miraj(Night Journey) Assim al hakeem.

School forces us to make an oath to respect & be polite to teachers, What to do?


School forces us to make an oath to respect & be polite to teachers, What to do? - Assim al hakeem.

The guidelines when dealing with the opposite gender (non mahram) due to necessity


The guidelines when dealing with the opposite gender (non mahram) due to necessity - Assim al hakeem.

Can a woman call her husband by his name?


Can a woman call her husband by his name? - Assim al hakeem.

Father laughed at Son's way of saying 'Assalamu Alaykum' (due to poor Arabic), Is this Kufr?


Father laughed at Son's way of saying 'Assalamu Alaykum' (due to poor Arabic), Is this Kufr? 

Is it permissible to shave the Soul Patch (Hair under the lower lip)?


Is it permissible to shave the Soul Patch (Hair under the lower lip)? - Assim al hakeem.
