content of level

Is the hadith about Ghazwa Al Hind (Conquest Of India) authentic?


Is the hadith about Ghazwa Al Hind (Conquest Of India) authentic? - Assim al hakeem.

Can someone deprive his siblings from inheritance cuz he's the only one spending on the mother.


Can someone deprive his siblings from inheritance cuz he's the only one spending on the mother.

Is Whistling permissible in Islam?


Is Whistling permissible in Islam? - Assim al hakeem.

Ruling on taking vaccines, medicines or using gelatine that contain pork


Ruling on taking vaccines, medicines or using gelatine that contain pork - Assim al hakeem.

Can a person who is bedridden be excused from prayer if he / she cannot perform wudu


Can a person who is bedridden be excused from prayer if he / she cannot perform wudu Assim al Hakeem.

If a disbeliever calls the Adhan, is this considered as entering the fold of Islam?


If a disbeliever calls the Adhan, is this considered as entering the fold of Islam? Assim al hakeem

What to do with interest money?


What to do with interest money? - Assim al hakeem.

How can Allah question all the people who are trillions & more on day of judgement?


How can Allah question all the people who are trillions & more on day of judgement? Assim al Hakeem.

Why are the Prophet's ﷺ‎ Parents in hell?


Why are the Prophet's ﷺ‎ Parents in hell? - Assim al hakeem.

Ruling on calling "Oh servants of Allah (Jinns & Angels) help me".


Ruling on calling "Oh servants of Allah (Jinns & Angels) help me". Calling other than Allah is shirk.

Ruling on accepting government grants vs loans with interest (Riba)


Ruling on accepting government grants vs loans with interest (Riba) - Assim al hakeem.

Allah is the Lord of the Worlds so why is it haram to live in a Non-Muslim country?


Allah is the Lord of the Worlds so why is it haram to live in a Non-Muslim country? Assim al hakeem.

Do Muslims believe in the Evolution Theory of Humans, Animals etc?


Do Muslims believe in the Evolution Theory of Humans, Animals etc? - Assim al hakeem.

How to stay steadfast on the deen & remain on Islam?


How to stay steadfast on the deen & remain on Islam? - Assim al hakeem

Who do we give pledge of allegiance to (Bayah, Bait) if we live in a non Muslim country


Who do we give pledge of allegiance to (Bayah, Bait) if we live in a non Muslim country.

Reciting Ayahs of Sakeenah (Tranquility) at times of distress


Reciting Ayahs of Sakeenah (Tranquility) at times of distress - Assim al hakeem.

What if we sin with the intention of repenting later?


What if we sin with the intention of repenting later? - Assim al hakeem.

Am I sinful for selling my iPad if it contains haram apps?


Am I sinful for selling my iPad if it contains haram apps? - Assim al hakeem.

What does Islam say about Deja Vu?


What does Islam say about Deja Vu? - Assim al hakeem.

Can we call a Masjid a Salafi or Ahle Hadees Masjid?


Can we call a Masjid a Salafi or Ahle Hadees Masjid? - Assim al hakeem.
