content of level

Finding it difficult to practice islam, lazy to pray & read Quran, please advise


Finding it difficult to practice islam, lazy to pray & read Quran, please advise - Assim al hakeem.

If one passes wind or urinates during ghusl, must he redo ghusl or redo the wudu?


If one passes wind or urinates during ghusl, must he redo ghusl or redo the wudu? - Assim al hakeem.

Can we recite duas that are not from the Sunnah or Quran?


Can we recite duas that are not from the Sunnah or Quran? - Assim al hakeem.

Ruling on applying perfume to the deceased (Dead body)


Ruling on applying perfume to the deceased (Dead body) - Assim al hakeem.

Applying for a scholarship where you have to pass exams in order to qualify


Applying for a scholarship where you have to pass exams in order to qualify - Assim al hakeem.

Praying behind an Imam who does Shirk, gives Taweez etc? Ruling on Judging people


Praying behind an Imam who does Shirk, gives Taweez etc? Ruling on Judging people - Assim al hakeem.

Forgot to recite Fateha, Should I pray an extra rakah (Behind imam or Praying alone)


Forgot to recite Fateha, Should I pray an extra rakah (Behind imam or Praying alone) - Assim al hakeem.

Celebrating Prophet's Birthday? Is there any importance of the month of Rabiul Awwal


Celebrating Prophet's Birthday? Is there any importance of the month of Rabiul Awwal - Assim al hakeem.

What's the ruling on judging people?


What's the ruling on judging people? - Assim al hakeem.

Is lying a major sin and what is the punishment for lying


Is lying a major sin and what is the punishment for lying - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem.

receiving money from a non muslim as a gift


receiving money from a non muslim as a gift.

The miqat of Umrah from Dammam


The miqat of Umrah from Dammam.

​wearing undergarments contains cartons


wearing undergarments contains cartons Sheikh - Assim Al Hakeem .

What is a Man's awrah in front of mahram & non mahram women?


What is a Man's awrah in front of mahram & non mahram women? - Assim al hakeem.

I follow the Salaf, My parents argue about my beard & not celebrating innovations


I follow the Salaf, My parents argue about my beard & not celebrating innovations etc - Assim al hakeem.

Who are the Khawarij?


Who are the Khawarij? What are their characteristics so that we may avoid them? Assim al hakeem.

What is Madkhalism? Who are the Madkhali?


What is Madkhalism? Who are the Madkhali? - Assim al hakeem.

What are the conditions of opening a Hotel & making it Islamically halal?


What are the conditions of opening a Hotel & making it Islamically halal? - Assim al hakeem.

Must we stop everything when adhan is called? How to answer adhan & What's the reward?


Must we stop everything when adhan is called? How to answer adhan & What's the reward?

Is telling Allah I won't do this sin again, an oath that needs expiation?


Is telling Allah I won't do this sin again, an oath that needs expiation?
