content of level
In taraweeh do we sit in Tawarruk or Iftirash position?
In taraweeh do we sit in Tawarruk or Iftirash position? - Assim al hakeem.
How to perform sujood tilawah (sujood of recitation) during prayer?
How to perform sujood tilawah (sujood of recitation) during prayer? - Assim al hakeem.
Visiting Cemetery / Graveyard in Ramadan, Eid, Friday
Visiting Cemetery / Graveyard in Ramadan, Eid, Friday - Assim al hakeem.
Have waswas of showing off ( Riya ) during prayer, what to do?
Have waswas of showing off ( Riya ) during prayer, what to do? - Assim al hakeem.
If I sleep after Fajr (during daytime) should I recite the bedtime adkhar?
If I sleep after Fajr (during daytime) should I recite the bedtime adkhar? - Assim al hakeem.
Who to follow, The Muazzin / Adhan or The Prayer App for Prayers, Fasts?
Who to follow, The Muazzin / Adhan or The Prayer App for Prayers, Fasts? - Assim al hakeem.
What does Being at ease Tranquility in prayer mean (involuntary movements in salah)
What does Being at ease Tranquility in prayer mean (involuntary movements in salah) - Assim al hakeem.
Parents order me to cut my beard
Parents order me to cut my beard - Assim al hakeem.
Can we have the intention to fast and to lose weight at the same time (Ramadan)?
Can we have the intention to fast and to lose weight at the same time (Ramadan)?
Can I give Fidya (unable to fast) at end of Ramadan or feed each day? What about feeding in advance?
Can I give Fidya (unable to fast) at end of Ramadan or feed each day? What about feeding in advance?
What is the minimum & maximum age a child should start fasting?
What is the minimum & maximum age a child should start fasting? - Assim al hakeem.
Siren for breaking fast, is it from sunnah? Break fast upon hearing Siren or at Maghrib time?
Siren for breaking fast, is it from sunnah? Break fast upon hearing Siren or at Maghrib time?
How to calculate zakat? What if I get some money a month or so before my zakat is due?
How to calculate zakat? What if I get some money a month or so before my zakat is due? Assim al-hakeem.
What books of knowledge should one study first?
What books of knowledge should one study first? - Assim al hakeem.
Ruling on different types of Islamic greetings
Ruling on different types of Islamic greetings: Salamun alaykum or only Salam etc.
Joined congregation when imam was in tashahhud, what to do?
Joined congregation when imam was in tashahhud, what to do? - Assim al hakeem.
Why is it permissible to eat meat slaughtered by Christians & Jews, they don't say Bismillah
Why is it permissible to eat meat slaughtered by Christians & Jews, they don't say Bismillah?
Ruling on putting Cartoons, Drawings or Anime etc as profile pictures
Ruling on putting Cartoons, Drawings or Anime etc as profile pictures - Assim al- Hakeem.
How to purify utensils licked by a dog & our hands if we touched them?
How to purify utensils licked by a dog & our hands if we touched them? - Assim al hakeem.
Is it mandatory to say Aaoozbillah...& Bismillah before fateha or a surah in prayer?
Is it mandatory to say Aaoozbillah...& Bismillah before fateha or a surah in prayer? Assim al hakeem.