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What is Offensive & Defensive Jihad?


What is Offensive & Defensive Jihad? - Assim al hakeem.

Hadith on men combing their hair frequently VS Whoever has hair must take care of it


Hadith on men combing their hair frequently VS Whoever has hair must take care of it - Assim al hakeem

Repented from working in interest based bank (Haram Money) what to do with my savings?


Repented from working in interest based bank (Haram Money) what to do with my savings? 

Does repeating a Word or Ayah from the Quran during prayer nullify it?


Does repeating a Word or Ayah from the Quran during prayer nullify it? - Assim al hakeem.

Is the hadith about music being haram weak? (Views of Ibn Hazm)


Is the hadith about music being haram weak? (Views of Ibn Hazm) - Assim al hakeem.

Can a son marry against his parents wishes?


Can a son marry against his parents wishes? - Assim al hakeem.

Sending salutations on Prophet & saying Ameen during Friday khutbah


Sending salutations on Prophet & saying Ameen during Friday khutbah - Assim al hakeem.

Should we wash the bottom & top of our arms & feet in wudu?


Should we wash the bottom & top of our arms & feet in wudu? - Assim al hakeem.

Can I combine prayers because I work in the Army?


Can I combine prayers because I work in the Army? - Assim al hakeem.

Repeat wudu many times because I hear sounds in my stomach (but nothing comes out)


Repeat wudu many times because I hear sounds in my stomach (but nothing comes out) - Assim al hakeem.

Ruling on a person dying in the state of major sexual impurity (Janaba) - Assim al hakeem


Ruling on a person dying in the state of major sexual impurity (Janaba) - Assim al hakeem.

Celebrating 27th Rajab (Shabe Miraj) 15th Shaaban (Shabe Barat) authentic or innovation


Celebrating 27th Rajab (Shabe Miraj) 15th Shaaban (Shabe Barat) authentic or innovation - Assim al-hakeem.

What is the Sunnah after Friday Prayer?


What is the Sunnah after Friday Prayer? - Assim al hakeem.

Hesitant to talk about issues regarding Islam due to fear of saying something wrong


Hesitant to talk about issues regarding Islam due to fear of saying something wrong - Assim al hakeem

Dua for moving into a new house


Dua for moving into a new house - Assim al hakeem.

​Made a mistake in Fateha or Tashahhud, should I repeat the whole Ayah or the single word


Made a mistake in Fateha or Tashahhud, should I repeat the whole Ayah or the single word -  Assim al Hakeem.

Is animation for educational purposes permissible in Islam?


Is animation for educational purposes permissible in Islam? - Assim al hakeem

Most authentic Qunoot. When to recite qunoot, before ruku or after ruku?


Most authentic Qunoot. When to recite qunoot, before ruku or after ruku? - Assim al hakeem.

Can parents use Apps to spy on their kids to know what they're browsing on internet?


Can parents use Apps to spy on their kids to know what they're browsing on internet? Assim al hakeem.

Lent someone money but the value has decreased due to inflation, how much to take back now?


Lent someone money but the value has decreased due to inflation, how much to take back now? Assimalhakeem.
