content of level
When to say Ameen at the end of fateha to get the reward of forgiveness?
When to say Ameen at the end of fateha to get the reward of forgiveness? - Assim al hakeem.
Can a girl who has not reached puberty yet lead in prayer / salah?
Can a girl who has not reached puberty yet lead in prayer / salah? - Assim al hakeem
How to perform sujood of recitation, sujood tilawah during prayer / salah?
How to perform sujood of recitation, sujood tilawah during prayer / salah? - Assim al hakeem.
Must we give zakat on what we earn or what we possess?
Must we give zakat on what we earn or what we possess? - Assim al hakeem.
Is laylatul qadr only limited to odd nights?
Is laylatul qadr only limited to odd nights? - Assim al hakeem.
How to make intention to pray, read Quran etc? (Suffering from waswas
How to make intention to pray, read Quran etc? (Suffering from waswas) - Assim al hakeem.
Hadith about one who has difficulty in reciting Quran, is it in tajweed or pronunciation
Hadith about one who has difficulty in reciting Quran, is it in tajweed or pronunciation - Assimalhakem.
Is putting the Quran on the ground or in one's lap disrespecting the Quran?
Is putting the Quran on the ground or in one's lap disrespecting the Quran? - Assim al hakeem.
Ruling on Cryptocurrency
Ruling on Cryptocurrency / Bitcoin - Assim al hakeem.
What are the best things to do in the last 10 nights of Ramadan?
What are the best things to do in the last 10 nights of Ramadan? - Assim al hakeem.
Is it mandatory that the father's name be included in the son's name?
Is it mandatory that the father's name be included in the son's name? - Assim al hakeem.
Is the pure black dog the devil & does it nullify our prayer?
Is the pure black dog the devil & does it nullify our prayer? - Assim al hakeem.
How to greet opposite gender non mahrams on the phone?
How to greet opposite gender non mahrams on the phone? - Assim al hakeem.
Does one ghusl suffice for many impurities (Sexual impurity, Janaba, Menses etc)?
Does one ghusl suffice for many impurities (Sexual impurity, Janaba, Menses etc)? - Assim al hakeem.
Got married without girl's father's consent, is the marriage valid? What to do now?
Got married without girl's father's consent, is the marriage valid? What to do now? Assim al hakeem.
Have not paid zakat for years due to not practicing. What to do, how to pay now?
Have not paid zakat for years due to not practicing. What to do, how to pay now? - Assim al hakeem.
Should we say long durood on Friday or short one is OK? Durood in morning, evening adkhar authentic?
Should we say long durood on Friday or short one is OK? Durood in morning, evening adkhar authentic?
Can we ask Allah for things by using His beautiful names?
Can we ask Allah for things by using His beautiful names? -Assim al hakeem.
Why are Tattoos haram, not permissible in Islam?
Why are Tattoos haram, not permissible in Islam? - Assim al hakeem.
Does slight movement or moving sideways in ruku or sujood impact the prayer?
Does slight movement or moving sideways in ruku or sujood impact the prayer? - Assim al hakeem.