content of level

Can we put names in a hat to randomly select winners of a prize?


Can we put names in a hat to randomly select winners of a prize? - Assim al hakeem

if someone as a layman follow a particular school of thought


if someone as a layman follow a particular school of thought.

Is flu vaccination halal for kids with animal preservative


Is flu vaccination halal for kids with animal preservative.

How should one wipe over the socks With one hand or bot


How should one wipe over the socks With one hand or bot

While doing wudhu if the need of washing an extra part which is not one of the organs of wudhu arise


While doing wudhu if the need of washing an extra part which is not one of the organs of wudhu arise.

What is expiation of accidental death (of Muslim) in Islam What if guilty person is poor


What is expiation of accidental death (of Muslim) in Islam What if guilty person is poor.

Are humans the best of Allah's creations / Ashraful Makhluqat?


Are humans the best of Allah's creations / Ashraful Makhluqat? - Assim al hakeem.

Ways of earning Sadaqa Jariyah (Ongoing, Continuous Charity)


Ways of earning Sadaqa Jariyah (Ongoing, Continuous Charity) - Assim al Hakeem.

What is the expiation for the accidental death of a disbeliever?


What is the expiation for the accidental death of a disbeliever? - Assim al hakeem.

When is the begining and end time for Friday Ghusl & Is Friday Ghusl mandatory?


When is the begining and end time for Friday Ghusl & Is Friday Ghusl mandatory? - Assim al hakeem.

Vouchers or Cash Back on Credit Cards, Apps. Are gifts for opening a bank account Riba


Vouchers or Cash Back on Credit Cards, Apps. Are gifts for opening a bank account Riba - Assimalhakeem.

What are the proper etiquettes of asking a Sheikh a question?


What are the proper etiquettes of asking a Sheikh a question? - Assim al hakeem.

"Most beloved deed to Allah is praying on time" what r these times, when is it best to delay prayer?


"Most beloved deed to Allah is praying on time" what r these times, when is it best to delay prayer?

What are the characteristics a person should have to be the imam in prayer?


What are the characteristics a person should have to be the imam in prayer? - Assim al hakeem.

How can we make dhikr, dua for sake of Allah alone when we seek it's reward or benefit


How can we make dhikr, dua for sake of Allah alone when we seek it's reward or benefit Assimalhakeem.

When is the last time to pray Tahajjud?


When is the last time to pray Tahajjud? - Assim al Hakeem.

I don't like the concept of Social Distancing in the Masjid, can I pray home?


I don't like the concept of Social Distancing in the Masjid, can I pray home? - Assim al Hakeem.

Can I say other adkhar after prayer, that are not from prescribed dhikr after salah?


Can I say other adkhar after prayer, that are not from prescribed dhikr after salah? Assim al Hakeem.

What is the meaning of Fatwa and Who is qualified to give Fatwa?


What is the meaning of Fatwa and Who is qualified to give Fatwa? - Assim al Hakeem.

Are more than one woman allowed to commute with an Uber driver, when is it khulwa?


Are more than one woman allowed to commute with an Uber driver, when is it khulwa? - Assim al Hakeem.
