content of level

Paying zakat on behalf of a senile person


Paying zakat on behalf of a senile person - assim al hakeem

Our negligence towards Allah


Our negligence towards Allah - assim al hakeem

Will a muslim who committed suicide be in hell forever? Can we make dua for him?


Will a muslim who committed suicide be in hell forever? Can we make dua for him? - assim al hakeem

What is a vow that you must fulfill? (A binding vow)


What is a vow that you must fulfill? (A binding vow) - assim al hakeem

What is Istihadah? Can a woman combine prayers (all) if out & its difficult to clean


What is Istihadah? Can a woman combine prayers (all) if out & its difficult to clean assim al hakeem

Can I take few steps forward or sideways if I don't have sutra when making up rakah


Can I take few steps forward or sideways if I don't have sutra when making up rakah assim al hakeem

Who prayed funeral prayer of Prophet ﷺ‎? No funeral prayer of Prophets cuz they were innocent?


Who prayed funeral prayer of Prophet ﷺ‎? No funeral prayer of Prophets cuz they were innocent? assim al-hakeem

A Muslim man wants to give dawah to a Christian woman, it this permissible?


A Muslim man wants to give dawah to a Christian woman, it this permissible? - assim al hakeem

Took off socks, can I wipe again after putting them back on? (Wiping over socks)


Took off socks, can I wipe again after putting them back on? (Wiping over socks) - assim al hakeem

Can we take knowledge from Maturidi, Ashari, Mutazilah (Ahlul Kalam)


Can we take knowledge from Maturidi, Ashari, Mutazilah (Ahlul Kalam) - assim al hakeem

Demonstration on how to make wudu with little water?


Demonstration on how to make wudu with little water? - assim al hakeem

Did king Najashi (Negus) of Abyssinia die as a Muslim?


Did king Najashi (Negus) of Abyssinia die as a Muslim? - assim al hakeem

Turning head right & left when calling the adhan / athan into the microphone 🎤


Turning head right & left when calling the adhan / athan into the microphone 🎤 assim al hakeem

Ruling on buying gold online or at a store using credit card, debit card or ATM card


Ruling on buying gold online or at a store using credit card, debit card or ATM card assim al hakeem

Sinners entitled 2 Allah's concessions? Combine prayers when travelling 4 zina? Tayammum after zina?


Sinners entitled 2 Allah's concessions? Combine prayers when travelling 4 zina? Tayammum after zina? - assim al-hakeem

I worry about health Spend lots on Dr fees but they say I'm fine Lack trust in Allah


I worry about health Spend lots on Dr fees but they say I'm fine Lack trust in Allah assim al hakeem

قيمة الرحمة || برنامج قيمنا


قيمة الرحمة || برنامج قيمنا || الشيخ عاصم بن لقمان الحكيم || تقديم أ. مصطفى البيطار

Struggling with intrusive thoughts, repeat shahadah several times a day, what to do?


Struggling with intrusive thoughts, repeat shahadah several times a day, what to do? assim al hakeem

If someone entrusts me (Amanah) with his money, can I use it knowing I can pay back?


If someone entrusts me (Amanah) with his money, can I use it knowing I can pay back? assim al hakeem

Ruling on someone who doesn't want to gain knowledge so that he won't be accountable


Ruling on someone who doesn't want to gain knowledge so that he won't be accountable assim al hakeem
