content of level

Parents follow hanafi fajr time, am I sinful if I serve them suhoor food in Ramadan?


Parents follow hanafi fajr time, am I sinful if I serve them suhoor food in Ramadan? assim al hakeem

Each time I check my watch it's 1:11, 2:22 or 3:33 does this mean anything in Islam?


Each time I check my watch it's 1:11, 2:22 or 3:33 does this mean anything in Islam? assim al hakeem

Wudu Ghusl valid if I don't blow water out of nostrils / don't spit it out of mouth?


Wudu Ghusl valid if I don't blow water out of nostrils / don't spit it out of mouth? assim al hakeem

Can I study at girls college with male teachers where other girls don't wear hijab?


Can I study at girls college with male teachers where other girls don't wear hijab? assim al hakeem

If I copy disbelievers in their clothes or hairstyle Would I be imitating the kuffar


If I copy disbelievers in their clothes or hairstyle Would I be imitating the kuffar assim al hakeem

Marriage contract that allows wife to divorce her husband. Can wife divorce herself?


Marriage contract that allows wife to divorce her husband. Can wife divorce herself? assim al hakeem

Is it allowed to use washing detergent that contains animal ingredients like enzymes


Is it allowed to use washing detergent that contains animal ingredients like enzymes assim al hakeem

Can I use copyright books as long as they are available for free on the internet


Can I use copyright books as long as they are available for free on the internet - assim al hakeem

Am I sinful for looking at non mahram relatives when they greet me?


Am I sinful for looking at non mahram relatives when they greet me? - assim al hakeem

Can animals hear screams of the dead while they're being tormented in their graves?


Can animals hear screams of the dead while they're being tormented in their graves? assim al hakeem

If I copy disbelievers in their clothes or hairstyle Would I be imitating the kuffar


If I copy disbelievers in their clothes or hairstyle Would I be imitating the kuffar- assim al hakeem

If kafir husband wants to write Will for his revert wife, How to do in kafir country


If kafir husband wants to write Will for his revert wife, How to do in kafir country - assim al hakeem

Must we still change our position after fard prayer to pray sunnah if we say the adkhar ( Men Women)


Must we still change our position after fard prayer to pray sunnah if we say the adkhar ( Men Women) - assim al hakeem

Do things so that people learn from you, riya? Raise voice in sunnah acts in prayer


Do things so that people learn from you, riya? Raise voice in sunnah acts in prayer - assim al hakeem

Say Allahumma Barik if I see something nice even if the person is indulging in haram


Say Allahumma Barik if I see something nice even if the person is indulging in haram - assim al hakeem

Can I perform tayammum if I come late to janaza, funeral prayer? Is the prayer valid


Can I perform tayammum if I come late to janaza, funeral prayer? Is the prayer valid assim al hakeem

How to determine the qiblah when the apps show slightly different angles?


How to determine the qiblah when the apps show slightly different angles? - assim al hakeem

If a woman and a man are in closed room, is it slandering to say they committed zina


If a woman and a man are in closed room, is it slandering to say they committed zina - assim al hakeem

Daughters deprived of inheritance of father Can women forgive Let go of their right?


Daughters deprived of inheritance of father Can women forgive Let go of their right? assim al hakeem

Temperature Sensor co. uses gold in products & sells Is it permissible My job halal?


Temperature Sensor co. uses gold in products & sells Is it permissible My job halal? assim al hakeem
