content of level

How to advise & give dawah to elder family members respectfully?


How to advise & give dawah to elder family members respectfully? - assim al hakeem

How to find khushu, submissiveness, concentration in prayer (Salah)?


How to find khushu, submissiveness, concentration in prayer (Salah)? - assim al hakeem

If Allah gifted Prophet ﷺ‎ his good deeds why must we love him & not love only Allah


If Allah gifted Prophet ﷺ‎ his good deeds why must we love him & not love only Allah assim al hakeem

Parents don't buy her things she wants, can she work in a free mixed environment?


Parents don't buy her things she wants, can she work in a free mixed environment? - assim al hakeem

Should we take the hadith "Run away from leper like you'd run from lion" literally?


Should we take the hadith "Run away from leper like you'd run from lion" literally? assim al hakeem

Does helping someone in haram (wrapping Christmas gift) counted as kufr?


Does helping someone in haram (wrapping Christmas gift) counted as kufr? - assim al hakeem

If Satan (Iblis) is made from fire, how will he be punished with fire in hell?


If Satan (Iblis) is made from fire, how will he be punished with fire in hell? - assim al hakeem

Does crying in prayer nullify wudu? (cigarette...) Things that break wudu


Does crying in prayer nullify wudu? (cigarette...) Things that break wudu assim al hakeem

Can I touch non mahram woman 2 stop her from crossing in between me & my sujood spot


Can I touch non mahram woman 2 stop her from crossing in between me & my sujood spot assim al hakeem

Masjid gives fajr adhan / athan a few minutes before actual time, is it permissible?


Masjid gives fajr adhan / athan a few minutes before actual time, is it permissible? assim al hakeem

Is it permissible for a husband to stop his wife from contacting her parents, family


Is it permissible for a husband to stop his wife from contacting her parents, family assim al hakeem

Family celebrates Christmas, New Year & invites people to our house What should I do


Family celebrates Christmas, New Year & invites people to our house What should I do assim al hakeem

What should be our stance towards the Ottoman Empire?


What should be our stance towards the Ottoman Empire? - assim al hakeem

Scholar said women mustn't get education It makes them leaders, feel higher than men


Scholar said women mustn't get education It makes them leaders, feel higher than men assim al hakeem

In wudu is it sufficient to pour some water & rub or must I pour water all over limb


In wudu is it sufficient to pour some water & rub or must I pour water all over limb assim al hakeem

Did Umar رضي الله عنه say spending money on perfume is not considered wasting money?


Did Umar رضي الله عنه say spending money on perfume is not considered wasting money? assim al hakeem

Does the image of the " One Eye " have any significance in islam?


Does the image of the " One Eye " have any significance in islam? - assim al hakeem

Student/person who doesn't work but receives pocket money or grant has to pay zakat?


Student/person who doesn't work but receives pocket money or grant has to pay zakat? assim al hakeem

Can I go out with non hijabi women in public It may be tough pill 2 swallow for them


Can I go out with non hijabi women in public It may be tough pill 2 swallow for them assim al hakeem

Can evil eye cause someone to die?


Can evil eye cause someone to die? - assim al hakeem
