content of level

Working as a Taxi Driver


In non-Muslim countries a Muslim can work as a cap driver and take any passengers carrying forbidden things unless the passenger declares that he is transporting unlawful stuff or will commit a forbidden act. 

Working in Construction


It is not permissible to work on the architecture of buildings that will be used for forbidden purposes. If it is not possible to work elsewhere and the forbidden activities are rare then an exception is made.  

Working as an Estate Agent


To work as estate agent is permissible as long as the deals are lawful from Islamic point of view. If the work may lead to something forbidden but the majority of agency business is lawful an exception has been made. 

Working for Usurious Banks


The main ruling is that it is prohibited to work in usurious banks and this applies to whoever works in such banks. But an exception has been made in case of necessity for jobs that are not dealing directly with usury. 

Working in Accountancy


Working in accountancy is lawful unless it serves a forbidden business. If permissible and forbidden work is mixed, they are weighted and a decision it taken whether to continue or leave at the first opportunity. 

Working for the Tax Department


Working for the Tax department in a non-Muslim country has become very common. It is permissible if this is with the intention to maintain fairness. It is also preferable to change this job the earliest possible. 

Working for the Government


It is permissible to a Muslim to work in the departments and institutions of a non-Muslim government such as the nuclear or strategic studies as long as this does not harm Muslims and is likely to bring benefit.

Working for Insurance Companies


Commercial insurance contracts are unlawful in Islam and making contracts or promoting them is not permissible unless one cannot find any other legitimate job, and that he intends to change his job the soonest.

Credit Cards


Credit card permissibility depends on its type. If it is with no interest or it is added after a certain period it is permissible if the money is repaid before any interest accrues. But usurious cards are forbidden. 

Working in Information Technology


It is permissible for Muslims to work in Information Technology or database if the work done is not for a special activity which is forbidden even if the work is used for some legitimate and illegitimate purposes.

Working in the Media


The essential ruling concerning the media is permissibility. But, if a Muslim works in media in a non-Muslim country, he should consider some basics such as the content and presentation method and the outcome. 

Finance through Reducing Partnership


Reducing partnership with a lease is forbidden if the price of each share is fixed at the time of establishing partnership. It is only permissible if the price of each share is determined at the time of each sale.
