Unlawful Earnings
A wife and children that can’t earn their own living are not accountable for the husband unlawful earning. He is responsible for his own deeds but they should do their best to persuade him to find a legitimate income.
A wife and children that can’t earn their own living are not accountable for the husband unlawful earning. He is responsible for his own deeds but they should do their best to persuade him to find a legitimate income.
God has prohibited gambling and as lottery is a type of gambling it is forbidden. Despite the fact that some countries raise national lottery and a part of the income is given to the poor it is still rejected in Islam.
It is not permissible for Muslims to work in any worship places like churches and mausoleum addressing anyone than God alone. As in this way they are approving falsehood and helping those worshiping other gods
There are two views on the subject of working in places serving wine or pork. The first prohibits it unless in case of necessity provided that he doesn't deal with forbidden items. The other just prohibits it.
It is forbidden for Muslims to drink, serve, sell or buy wine. Whoever deals with it is cursed. Accordingly it is forbidden to a Muslim to present or carry wine to his non-Muslim or Muslim friends at any place.
Islam prohibits Muslims from renting a property to someone who will use it for forbidden activities like selling wine or carrying out usurious transactions. This also comes under the heading of furthering evil.
In Islam it is forbidden to trick anyone even if this person is non-Muslim or unbeliever. This applies to products prices and any type of trade.
In Islam, it is perfectly permissible for a Muslim to work for a non-Muslim providing that the task he is working on is permissible and that the arrangement is a contract for a service against remuneration.
"The Simplified Encyclopaedia Of Contemporary Issues In Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh)"
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