content of level

Authenticity of calculations of Umm Al Qura prayer timetable


Authenticity of calculations of Umm Al Qura prayer timetable - Assim al hakeem.

How to know if a Scholar is trusted one?


How to know if a Scholar is trusted one? How to differentiate between Student of Knowledge & Scholar

Concept of Al Jarh Wa At Tadil


Concept of Al Jarh Wa At Tadil - Assim al hakeem/

Can we say that one is a Companion / Friend of Allah?


Can we say that one is a Companion / Friend of Allah? - Assim al hakeem.

Is it permissible to say Prophetﷺ‎is Light Of Guidance?


Is it permissible to say Prophetﷺ‎is Light Of Guidance? Was he created from Noor of Allah?

Is it permissible to take a Passport & Citizenship of a Non Muslim Country?


Is it permissible to take a Passport & Citizenship of a Non Muslim Country? - Assim al hakeem

Is it a sin if we do not pray the 5 daily prayers?


Is it a sin if we do not pray the 5 daily prayers? - Assim al hakeem.

Permissibility of making dua in your own language in Fard & Voluntary Prayers


Permissibility of making dua in your own language in Fard & Voluntary Prayers - Assim al hakeem

Saying 'Wallahi' & Swearing by Allah's Name


Saying 'Wallahi' & Swearing by Allah's Name - Assim al hakeem.

Social Distancing in Masjids: Praying with gaps, What about Friday Prayers?


Social Distancing in Masjids: Praying with gaps, What about Friday Prayers? - Assim al hakeem.

Ruling on Playing / Watching Boxing


Ruling on Playing / Watching Boxing - Assim al hakeem.

Is Qadar (Destiny) a creation or an Attribute of Allah?


Is Qadar (Destiny) a creation or an Attribute of Allah? - Assim al hakeem

​Is Quran knowledge of Allah?


Is Quran knowledge of Allah? Quran is Speech of Allah - Assim al hakeem.

Will a deceased Non Muslim Child go to Hell or Paradise?


Will a deceased Non Muslim Child go to Hell or Paradise? - Assim al hakeem.

Must I wait for the Imam to completely say AllahuAkbar before I say mine?


Must I wait for the Imam to completely say AllahuAkbar before I say mine? - Assim al hakeem.

Temporary Birth Control VS Permanent Procedures to prevent Pregnancy


Temporary Birth Control VS Permanent Procedures to prevent Pregnancy - Assim al hakeem.

Does a divorced woman need consent of her guardian (Wali) to marry for a second time


Does a divorced woman need consent of her guardian (Wali) to marry for a second time? Assim al hakeem.

When to sit in tawarruk position in prayer?


When to sit in tawarruk position in prayer? - Assim al hakeem.

Father follows different madhab, he doesn't like me to pray Sunnah way, what should I do


Father follows different madhab, he doesn't like me to pray Sunnah way, what should I do Assimalhake

How should imam do sujood tilawa if women can't see him / Segregation in Masjid


How should imam do sujood tilawa if women can't see him / Segregation in Masjid - Assim al hakeem.
