content of level

What are the responsibilities of a mother towards her Newborn Child?


What are the responsibilities of a mother towards her Newborn Child? - Assim al hakeem.

If someone dies due to Covid-19, is he considered a Martyr?


If someone dies due to Covid-19, is he considered a Martyr? - Assim al hakeem.

When I Sneeze should I say Alhamdulillah loudly so that other person can hear


When I Sneeze should I say Alhamdulillah loudly so that other person can hear & reply Assim al hakeem.

Mixing Saliva with Soil, placing it on affected areas for cure of Pimples, Wounds, etc


Mixing Saliva with Soil, placing it on affected areas for cure of Pimples, Wounds, etc Assimalhakeem.

How to know if the woman I want to propose to is of good character?


How to know if the woman I want to propose to is of good character? - Assim al hakeem.

Can a woman go out whenever she wants if she has a general permission from husband?


Can a woman go out whenever she wants if she has a general permission from husband? Assim al hakeeem.

Husband gives time to his family rather than his wife & kids, is this fair?


Husband gives time to his family rather than his wife & kids, is this fair? - Assim al hakeem.

If a man marries a widow, is her daughter a mahram for him?


If a man marries a widow, is her daughter a mahram for him? - Assim al hakeem.

Can I pray night prayers (Qayam Al Layl) immediately after Isha or before sleeping?


Can I pray night prayers (Qayam Al Layl) immediately after Isha or before sleeping? Assim al hakeem

Can I pray 2 Witr in one night? What if I want to pray tahajjud, can I repeat Witr?


Can I pray 2 Witr in one night? What if I want to pray tahajjud, can I repeat Witr? Assim al hakeem.

Is a woman allowed to work against her husband's permission?


Is a woman allowed to work against her husband's permission? - Assim al hakeem.

Are we allowed to exceed in washing above the Elbow, Ankels, Wrist while making Wudu


Are we allowed to exceed in washing above the Elbow, Ankels, Wrist while making Wudu Assim al hakeem.

How to wipe over your head in wudu if you have long hair?


How to wipe over your head in wudu if you have long hair? - Assim al hakeem.

Which animal is better to sacrifice for Eid (Qurbani/ Udhiyah)


Which animal is better to sacrifice for Eid (Qurbani/ Udhiyah): Camel, Cow or Sheep? - Assimalhakeem.

Can I buy a car on finance with 0% interest


Can I buy a car on finance with 0% interest & down payment, pay rest on monthly basis Assim al hakeem.

To whom should we give our zakat


To whom should we give our zakat ( Poor & Needy) - Assim al hakeem.

Praying Maghrib behind an imam who was praying Asr


Praying Maghrib behind an imam who was praying Asr - Assim al hakeem.

Able to spend hours on Movies but get tired, bored, lazy to read Quran


Able to spend hours on Movies but get tired, bored, lazy to read Quran, watch lectures Assimalhakeem.

Right way to Pray for Isteghfar & Shukr (Forgiveness & Thankfulness) -


Right way to Pray for Isteghfar & Shukr (Forgiveness & Thankfulness) - Assim al hakeem.

Practising Wife has a Non Practising Husband, forces her to go to Mixed Parties


Practising Wife has a Non Practising Husband, forces her to go to Mixed Parties, Music Assim alhakeem.
