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Suspension of marriag


When a husband swears not to have sexual intercourse with his wife forever or for more than four months this is Ila’ and it is forbidden. If he doesn’t atone for his oath within this period the case must be put to a judge. 

Marriage and Divorce


Nikah or marriage is encouraged in Islam, it is endorsed in the Qur’an, the Sunnah and the unanimity of scholars because it protects fabric of the family and the Islamic social structure.

Fiqh of Family- Divorce - Part XI


In this lecture Sh. Ahmed AlRumh talks on the topic of Rulings on Divorce in Islam -11.



Scholars clarified that divorce is:

Marriage and Divorce


The basic fiqh series is an series by Sheikh Yasir Qadhi where he teaches the basics of Islamic knowledge required by every Muslim.

Custody of a Muslim Child by a non-Muslim Woman


The mother has the first right of custody even if she is following an earlier divine religion until the child is 7. In case it is feared that the child will be leaning towards disbelief, it will be taken from his mother. 

Marriage Termination by Islamic Centres at the Wife’s Request


A Muslim woman in a non-Muslim country can terminate her marriage at her request “Khul’” through Islamic centers, as they have a judicial status. But the arbiters must follow all the required procedures.  

Divorce by a non-Muslim Judge


When relations between man and wife are strained, a woman may seek a legal judgment in her case from the courts of the country in which she lives. Fiqh councils have different opinions on this subject. 

Can a Wife Seek Divorce if her Husband is a Transgressor


Seeking divorce from an errant husband is a recurrent case that Islam has different views on it. If he thinks his sins are lawful then the marriage is dissolved. If not, she must be more patient and guide him.

Can a Woman Initiate Divorce From Her Husband?


In Islam, a woman has the right to terminate her marriage, so that she can divorce her husband if she wants. This is perfectly acceptable according to the majority of scholars, of both olden and contemporary times. 

Sham Divorce


In some situations a man divorces his wife to get some benefits and then reinstate their marriage. There are 2 views; the first considers such divorce effective. The other sees that it depends on man’s intention.

Divorce by Islamic Centres


Do Islamic centres have a judicial role?Is divorce ordered by an Islamic centre valid?

The waiting period and its purpose


A waiting period is the time a woman waits after her husband's death to remarry. If she is not pregnant her waiting period is 4 months and 10 days, if she is pregnant her waiting period lasts until she gives birth.

Atonement for Zihar


The atonement for Zihar takes different forms: freeing a male or female slave, fasting two consecutive months, or feeding 60 needy people, atonement is obligatory to resume marriage.

Making one’s wife forbidden for one


Zihar means a man tells his wife that she is to him like a relative of his whom he cannot marry, it is forbidden in Islam. It requires atonement to be able to resume intimate marital relationships.

Suspension of marriage


When a husband swears not to have sexual intercourse with his wife forever or for more than four months this is Ila’ and it is forbidden. If he doesn’t atone for his oath within this period the case must be put to a judge. 

Types of divorce


There are two types of divorce; Sunnah divorce and Bid’ ah divorce which differ in the number and the time of divorce. This article shows the difference between them and which one God has made lawful in His book.

Formulae for divorce


Divorce formulae must be clear and with direct words. In case the husband uses ambiguous phrases; divorce will be subjected to his intentions. This article clarifies the reason behind this rule.



God has put rules and regulations for marriage dissolution (talaq) to safeguard wives and husbands rights when the relationship between them becomes very restrained and there is no way to save their marriage. 

Conditions for marriage


There are conditions for the validity of marriage such as acceptance, presence of the woman’s guardian, presence of witnesses and absence of any reasons that preclude the marriage.
