Zihar means a man tells his wife that she is to him like a relative of his whom he cannot marry, it is forbidden in Islam. It requires atonement to be able to resume intimate marital relationships.

Making one’s wife forbidden for one

 The Arabic term Zihar means that a man tells his wife that she is to him like a relative of his whom he cannot marry, or as a part of such relative. He may say to her something like, ‘You are to me like my mother’s back.’[1]

Zihar is strictly forbidden in Islam. Allah mentions it in the Qur’an and describes it as

‘iniquitous and false’


If a husband commits this sin and makes such a statement to his wife then all sexual matters, including kissing and foreplay, are forbidden for them until the man has atoned for his iniquitous falsehood. This is based on the Qur’anic verses that outline the recompense required in these cases:

‘Those who separate themselves from their wives by saying, “You are as unlawful to me as my mother,” and then go back on what they have said, must atone by freeing a slave before the couple may resume their full marital relation [...] However, he who does not have the means shall fast instead for two consecutive months before the couple may resume their full marital relation; and he who is unable to do it shall feed 60 needy people’


The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to one of his Companions who said such a vow: 

‘Do not come near her until you have done what Allah has ordered you to do.’

Related by al-Tirmidhi, hadith No. 1,200.


  1. [1] Al-Shawkani, Fath al-Qadir, vol. 3, p. 225.

