content of level

Smelling Wines


The mere smell of wine does not lead to intoxication and it is not considered as drinking as it does not cloud one’s mind. But it is preferable for a Muslim to avoid situations where he is surrounded by drunk people.

Enforcing Mandatory Punishments in non-Muslim Countries


If a Muslim commits a sin that carries a mandatory punishment it is preferable to keep it private, repent and ask for God’s forgiveness. If he insists to be punished, then this should be referred to a Muslim ruler. 

Seeking a non-Muslim Witness and Testifying for a non-Muslim


Based on God’s word in Quran it is permissible for Muslims to request a non-Muslim to be a witness for him. And it is also permissible to witness for a non-Muslim at the court provided that the truth has been testified

Swearing by the Gospel


A Muslim does not swear by any other Religious book than the Quran. In non-Muslim countries a Muslim may be required to swear by the Gospel in a court of law but it is forbidden, as what is distorted is not God’s words.

Placing One’s Hand on the Torah or the Gospel to Testify under Oath


A Muslim in non-Muslim countries court might be asked to place his hand on the Torah or the Bible for oath. He must request to put his hand on the Quran; if his request is rejected then he might place his hand on them. 

Arbitration in Disputes


In non-Muslim countries where courts follow civil law, arbitration is the Islamic alternative to settle disputes. It is the proper channel in such cases and arbitration committee members should be of integrity

Studying and Teaching Man-Made Laws


Muslims can study and teach man-made laws as long as they have enough knowledge of Islam and Islamic laws. They will also get a great reward if they aim to explain such laws flaws and the superiority of Islamic law.  
