Based on God’s word in Quran it is permissible for Muslims to request a non-Muslim to be a witness for him. And it is also permissible to witness for a non-Muslim at the court provided that the truth has been testified

Seeking a non-Muslim Witness and Testifying for a non-Muslim


Similar Questions


  • A non-Muslim as a witness;
  • Acting as a witness for a non-Muslim.


The Issue


A Muslim living in a non-Muslim country may need to ask a non-Muslim to testify for him in court, or the reverse case may arise of a Muslim testifying for a non-Muslim.




In a case being considered by a court of law it is permissible for a Muslim to request a non-Muslim to be a witness for him and it is permissible for him to be a witness for a non-Muslim, provided that he testifies to the truth.




The permissibility of testimony by a Muslim in favour of a non-Muslim, stating the truth, is agreed by all. The texts that speak of giving testimony are general and not restricted to testifying for Muslims.

God says:

‘Witnesses must not refuse when they are called in.’

(2: 282)

Praising witnesses,

the Prophet says:

‘The ones who give testimony before they are asked to testify.’

Permission to ask a non-Muslim to be a witness is given in the verse speaking about making a will.

God says:

‘Believers, let there be witnesses to what you do when death approaches you and you are about to make bequests: two persons of probity from among your own people, or two others from outside if the pangs of death come to you when you are travelling through the land.’

(5: 106)

Since Muslims living in non-Muslim countries may need to call in witnesses who are not Muslims, this is permissible.


Ibn Taymiyyah said: ‘Testimony by non-Muslims against Muslims is unacceptable. This is not subject to disagreement. What is subject to disagreement is the acceptability of non-Muslims testifying against each other.’[1]




  • Fatawa and essays by Shaikh Abd al-Razzaq Afeefi.
  • Mut’ib al-Qahtani (ed.), Is'af al-Mughtaribin bi Fatawa al-'Ulama’ al-Rabbaniyyin.
  • Ibn Taymiyyah, Majmu' al-Fatawa.



  1. Ibn Taymiyyah, Majmu' al-Fatawa, vol. 15, p. 297.

