What is forbidden when relieving oneself

source :Osoul Global Center


God has forbidden some acts when one relives himself like urinating or defecating in stagnant water, by roadsides or reading Quran in the toilet. This article clarifies all these acts and the reason behind each.

What is forbidden when relieving oneself

It is forbidden to urinate in stagnant water, as stated in the hadith reported by Jabir:

‘Allah’s messenger prohibited urination in stagnant water.’ 

Related by Muslim, hadith  No. 281

It is also forbidden to hold the Qur’an or to read it when one is in the toilet, as the Qur’an should always be treated with respect. One should not hold one’s penis with one’s right hand when urinating, and one should not use it to clean oneself after urination or defecation.

:The Prophet (peace be upon him) said

‘When any of you urinates, he should not hold his organ in his right hand, nor use his right hand to clean himself.’ 

Related by al-Bukhari, hadith No. 154; Muslim, hadith No. 267

It is also forbidden to urinate or defecate by the roadside, or in the shade, or in parks, or under a fruit tree, or close to water sources.

:Mu’adh quotes the Prophet (peace be upon him) as saying

‘Guard against the three practices which invite people’s curses: answering the call of nature near water sources, by the roadside and in the shade.’ 

Related by Abu Dawud, hadith No. 26; Ibn Majah, hadi No. 328; al-Hakim, vol. 1, p. 273

:Abu Hurayrah quotes the Prophet (peace be upon him) as saying

‘Guard against the two practices which invite people’s curses.” People asked what these practices were. He said: “Answering the call of nature  by the roadside and in the shade.’ 

Related by Muslim, hadith No. 269 

In the shade’ refers to places where people normally take their rest. This may be under a tree or next to a wall.

Furthermore, it is forbidden to wipe one’s private parts after defecation with animal droppings, bones or food.

:Jabir reports

‘Allah’s messenger prohibited that one should wipe oneself with a bone or animal droppings.’ 

Related by Muslim, hadith No. 263

 Moreover, it is forbidden to answer to the call of nature in a graveyard. 

:The Prophet (peace be upon him) said

‘It is the same whether to relieve oneself in between graves or in the middle of the marketplace‘

Related by Ibn Majah, hadith  No. 1,567



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