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You will find all jurisprudence topics here, Start completing the levels now.
Level 1-The Pillars of Islam
The Five Pillars of Islam are the framework of the Muslim life. They are the testimony of faith, prayer, giving zakat (support of the needy), fasting during the month of Ramadan, and the pilgrimage to Makkah once in a lifetime for those who are able.
Level 2- Islamic Law (Fiqh)
the Arabic term ‘Fiqh’ has several meanings, including ‘understanding’ and ‘profound and accurate understanding’. In an Islamic context, it means ‘knowledge of Islamic rulings on practical matters based on detailed evidence. The subject matter of Fiqh are the Islamic rulings: obligation, prohibition, recommendation, reprehension and permissibility.
Level 3- Purification
Allah ﷻ commands Muslims to purify themselves inwardly from the sin of shirk as well as from diseases, such as envy, pride and hatred, of the heart and outwardly from dirt and all kinds of impurities. Once they do so, they become worthy of His love, as the Qur’an states, “Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean .”(Soorat Al-Baqarah, 2:222).
Level 4- Prayer
The Arabic term salah, which is normally translated as ‘prayer’, originally means ‘supplication’. In Islamic context it is defined as ‘an act of worship that includes saying specific words as well as doing specific actions.
Level 5- Fasting
Fasting is total abstinence from food, liquids and intimate intercourse (between married couples) from dawn to sunset during the Month of Ramadan.
Level 6- Zakat
This is an annual payment of a certain percentage of a Muslim's property which is distributed among the poor or other rightful beneficiaries.
Level 7- The Pilgrimage
The performance of pilgrimage to Makkah is required once in a lifetime if means are available. Hajj is in part in memory of the trials and tribulations of Prophet Abraham, his wife Hagar and his eldest son Prophet Ishmael.
Level 8- Jihad
Jihad means effort and striving. In Islamic contexts it covers all efforts a Muslim may exert in the advocacy of Islam and the establishment of the Islamic society its character, so that life becomes consistent with Islam and Allah’s word is made supreme.
Level 9- Commercial Transactions
In Islamic contexts, a ‘sale’ means the permanent exchange of one property or legitimate benefit for another, even for a deferred handing over, provided that it is neither usury nor loan.
Level 10- Marriage and Divorce
Marriage and Divorce
Level 11- Wills and inheritance
Wills and inheritance
Level 12- Offences
Jinayah means offence and it refers to a crime committed against a person, or property or honor.
Level 13- Mandatory Punishments (Hudud)
The Arabic term hadd (plural: hudud) is defined as a punishment stated in Islamic law for encroaching on the limits set by Allah. The hudud aim to deter people from committing acts of disobedience of Allah. Thus, they help to spread security and reassurance in the community.
Level 14- Oaths and Pledges
An oath is made to confirm something by Allah’s name or one of His attributes. Oaths may be classified into three categories with respect to their validity and commitment.
Level 15- Food, Animal Slaughter and Hunting
Food, Animal Slaughter and Hunting
Level 16- Judging Disputes and Testimonies
Judging Disputes and Testimonies