The pilgrimage starts on 8 Dhul-Hijjah and ends at sunset on 13 Dhul-Hijjah.  Before this, the pilgrim does the following: 1-A pilgrim choosing the  tamattu'   method starts his  i h r a m , i.e. consecration, at the point of  m i q a t  and declares:  labbayka Allahumma ' umrah , (which means: I am responding to you, my Lord, intending to perform the ' umrah ). 2-A pilgrim choosing the qiran method starts his ihram at the point of miqat and declares: labbayka Allahumma hajjan wa 'umrah, (which means: I am responding to you, my Lord, intending to perform the pilgrimage and the 'umrah). 3-A pilgrim choosing the ifrad method starts his ihram at the point of miqat and declares: labbayka Allahumma hajjan, (which means: I am responding to you, my Lord, intending to perform the pilgrimage).

