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The Sacrifice and its Rulings

The Sacrifice and its Rulings

Sacrifice or Hady is slaughtering animals to earn God’s reward as a part of Pilgrimage. There are five types; some are compulsory others are voluntary or recommended. Time and place for sacrifice depend on its type. 



Compensation is an obligation on pilgrim if he violates any of pilgrimage restrictions. Compensation is due whether the violation was for a valid on invalid reason. It may be a sacrifice, donation or fasting.

The Pilgrimage (i.e. hajj)

The Pilgrimage (i.e. hajj)

Pilgrimage is one of the five pillars upon which the structure of Islam is built on. Its steps are clearly mentioned in Quran and it must fulfill certain rites in particular places and times in order to be complete.

The dowry

The dowry

Dowry is an amount of money that the groom should pay to his to be wife at the time of marriage contract. It is mandatory by Quran and Sunnah and it becomes wife’s property.  It is enjoined by God to honor brides. 

Hajj - The Journey of Hearts

Hajj - The Journey of Hearts

A voice reading for an article By Muhammad Alshareef titled "Hajj - The Journey of Hearts". In Hajj, I have seen people who snatch for patience and the reward of Allah (subhaanahu wa ta ‘aala) during those trying moments, like a man panhandles for gold. I asked myself, "What is different from them and those who spend their breath in criticism and argumentation?" It finally dawned on me that it was not the body of Zayd or ‘Amr that I was witnessing, but it was the hearts of Zayd and ‘Amr.
