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How to wipe

How to wipe

Wiping over the kuffs is permitted instead of removing it during ablution. The Prophet (PBUH) used to wipe over the top of his khuffs, and if one wipes over the back or the bottom of his khuffs; wiping is invalid.  

Menses: definition and rulings

Menses: definition and rulings

Menses or Hayd is the natural blood discharge from women uterus through her vagina. It could start at the age of 9 and stops by the age of 50. It usually lasts for 6 to 7 days and it requires a bath at the end “ghusl”.

Dry ablution

Dry ablution

Dry ablution “Tayamum” is performing ablution using dust when water is not available. In this case, pure dust is passed lightly over one’s face and hands. It is a legitimate concession granted for Muslims. 

Ghusl, or taking a bath

Ghusl, or taking a bath

Ghusl in Islam is to pour pure water over one’s body in a special way with the intention of worshipping Allah. And it is obligatory in some cases like semen discharge, converting to Islam, after menstruation.  

Wiping over the khuff

Wiping over the khuff

Kuff is what is worn over the feet. It includes socks and could be made of various materials. God has permitted his servants to wipe over it during ablution if they cover the feet up to the ankles as a form of easiness. 

Ablution - Wuduu

Ablution - Wuduu

Wudu means cleanliness and brightness. But in Islam it refers to washing the face, arms, head and feet with clean water. In other words it is called ablution. It is obligatory before prayer or similar worship acts.

Fitrah - Recommended practices

Fitrah - Recommended practices

There are five practices also called ‘nature’s fine characteristics’ that each Muslim should perform to keep the best and most complete form. Practices and the reason behind them are explained in the article.



Any water could be used for purification if it retains its original state as it is created. This water is called “Tahur” and it could be taken from any source; whether it is rain, rivers or coming up from the earth. 
