A brief introduction to the meaning of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), its principles, and The Leading Fiqh Scholars such as Abu Hanifah, Malik, Al-Shafi'i and Ahmad ibn Hanbal. It includes all the practical rules that every Muslim, man or woman, should know, citing their bases in the Qur’an and the Sunnah in an easy and simple way.
Most scholars agree that an illegitimate person cannot be blamed on his parents’ sin. If a man is born outside of wedlock and proposes to a Muslim woman, it is permissible to marry her if he is Muslim with good manners.
God has beautiful names and fine attributes. No one knows Him better than He knows Himself. Therefore, we deny what He has denied of Himself and confirm what He has confirmed in His book and His messenger’s Sunnah.
No one may interpret Islam and how God wants it to be except God Himself, in his book, the Qur’an, and in the Sunnah of the Prophet. No human being has a higher status than God’s Prophet, yet he only delivers what God reveals to him.
Muslims can eat from the food of people from earlier revelation unless their belief has been distorted to total atheism. If so, they are considered unbelievers and any meat they have prepared is unlawful to eat.
Some scholars see that Muslims living in non-Muslim countries should refrain from eating doubtful meat or food. Others permit it unless they are sure it was slaughtered unlawfully or involve what is forbidden.
Muslims who are resident in non-Muslim countries are not allowed to eat meat from animals slaughtered by unbelievers. It is also prohibited to eat any food that is mixed with such meat including the sauce.
Some scholars permit that Muslims eat permissible animals slaughtered by people of earlier revelations if they live in non-Muslim countries. But electrically shocked animals are prohibited unanimously.
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