Offences are a crime committed against a person, or property or honor and it requires a mandatory punishment equal to the harm caused to the affected person ,either fine or compensation and even execution .


The Arabic term jinayah, which means ‘offence’, refers to a crime committed against a person, or property or honour. Muslim scholars dedicate the heading ‘Offences’ to apply to physical crimes against persons, and consider other offences to fall under the heading of ‘Mandatory Punishments’, or Hudud. As such, an offence, or jinayah, refers to a crime affecting a person physically and incur a punishment that is in the form of equal retribution, a financial fine or other recompense.[1] An offence may be a crime leading to death, or a lesser harm.


  1. Al-Nadawi, Al-Fiqh al-Muyassar, p. 341.


